The Church is on the Move in Oaxaca

Dawn and I just returned from an amazing trip to Oaxaca, Mexico. We are thrilled with all that God is doing in this city through Pastor Eliel and Jessica Osorio.

Eliel and Jessica have raised up an amazingly talented young team that are helping them plant their church in the northern part of of the city. They began planting their church in the middle of the pandemic, which is no easy task. At first they were forced to meet remotely, but in September of 2021 they launched their services, and the church took off!
Every week they have new people coming to the church. Dawn and I enjoyed meeting a number of them while we were there. God is clearly on the move, and they’ve become our fastest growing church plant. On Easter Sunday 110 people showed up, and they’ve been averaging 82 since then. Pray for them as they reach young people for Christ.
A Birthday Celebration – A Changed Life

We attended a birthday celebration 🥳 at their house on Saturday evening. One of the young men, Irving celebrated his 20th birthday. When Irving’s mom asked him how he wanted to celebrate his birthday, he said that his friends at church had become like family to him, and that he wanted to have a party with them. The only problem was that Irving’s parents home isn’t big enough to host all the people. Eliel heard of Irving’s dilemma, and said why don’t you have the party at our house.
It was a great time, and so good to see all the happy faces at the fiesta, which included a piñata🪅!
Eliel and Jessica have done at outstanding job of creating a safe, friendly and fun community. The majority of their church is made up of young people in their 20’s and 30’s. This group is under reached in Mexico.
Eliel & Jessica’s Dream

Pastor Eliel has a vision to create a community center that will be an attractive place for young people to come and hang out. Apart from being the gathering place for church on Sunday it will provide opportunities for outreach during the week. They can come for a cup of coffee with a friend, take music lessons, and play games.
Angel and Damaris are key leaders for the church, and they are gifted musically. They lead the worship, and have built a wonderful group to lead with them. Dawn and I throughly enjoyed worshipping with them. Angel and Damaris are also teaching music during the week, which is something they would like to be able to do at the church once they have a more permanent place to meet.
Eliel took us by one property that they are looking at the possibility of renting. This particular location is ideal as it is just a couple blocks away from a college. This would provide them with a wonderful opportunity to reach out with the love of Christ to the students. It may be possible to buy the property as the church grows.
Join us in Prayer

- Pray with us for Pastor Eliel, Jessica and their team as they plant the church in Oaxaca.
- Pray for a more permanent place for them to meet where they can make the best impact.
- Pray for more lives like Irving’s to be transformed by the gospel.
- Pray that the Lord will provide the funding for the land and for this church planting project.
- Please prayerfully consider making a donation today to help Pastor Eliel and Jessica reach Oaxaca for Christ.

In His Grip, Dave
P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja and Beyond
By sustainabilitea
God is certainly on the move! What wonderful news! We’re happy that we’ve found a church here that is also being blessed by God. The plan is to plant 20 churches in 20 years. We also have a thriving school with a gym in the works once the money is all in place and starting a small high school next year. Such a joy.
By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
That’s great to hear. It’s not easy to find a vibrant life giving church.
By sustainabilitea
It’s a blessing.
By Alice
So exciting and encouraging!!!
By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
Yes! We are encouraged by all that God is doing in Oaxaca.
By Donna Baird
Dear Dave….Lifting you and Dawn and Pastor Eliel and his team up to the Lord.
By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
Thank you – we appreciate your prayers.
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