I Am Extremely Blessed!

I feel extremely blessed by many of the people we minister with. They are precious to us and to the Lord. Both Dawn and my lives are enriched by the special friends that God brings our way. Many of them become like family to us.
Today I’d like to highlight one couple on the Big Island, Alfredo and Yoli. They are definitely part of our familia!
If you’ve been following the news over the last few weeks, things have reached a boiling point on the Big Island. Our heart and our cries go out as we see our friends, our familia suffer!
God’s Hand is on Alfredo & Yoli

One of the precious couples that Dawn and I have gotten to know over the past couple of years is Alfredo and Yoli (names changed for their security). Alfredo and Yoli are young church planters who love the Lord. They are fervent evangelist, and committed prayer warriors. They are part of a church planting network that has planted 16 churches in the last few years.
When we first met them they didn’t have their own home, and they have 2 young children, so it was very difficult for them. We raised some funds and helped them to buy a humble home that they could call their own.

Both Alfredo and Yoli come from broken homes, which is common on the Big Island. Yoli told us through tears how both her mom and dad left her at a very young age. She doesn’t have a relationship with them. She went on to tell me how the love of Christ expressed through the church and the pastors that led the church brought her healing.
When their pastor moved away Yoli feared that she would lose her relationship with us too, since we met them through Pastor Lucas and his wife, Maria. When I found out that Yoli and Alfredo were so concerned it touched my heart. I felt like it was important to maintain my relationship with them. So we’ve actually had more contact with them since Lucas and Maria left.
We Encourage One Another
Dawn and I have the opportunity to encourage them in the Lord. They tell us that we are family, a dad and a mom to them, and they say that with tears in their eyes. The other day I told Yoli that maybe I was more like a grandfather to them, but she said, “no you are a father to us.” Well, I realize that Dawn and I are able to encourage them and love them like family, but it’s amazing how much we receive back from them. God is so good!
When we talk there are always plenty of smiles. God fills us up as Christ ministers in and through us.

They give us what money cannot buy. They show us love and respect, and I always feel better after I’ve talked to them or they’ve sent me a message. Earlier today they told me that they haven’t been able to call us recently, because they internet is so bad.
This precious young couple live in very humble conditions. There isn’t much food to go around, and the food that is available keeps getting more expensive. They have to wait in long lines just to get beans, rice, bread and other essential food items.
When I think about it, even though we have helped Alfredo and Yoli, just as we’ve aided the rest of our familia on the Big Island, I’m the one who receives back one hundredfold. God has brought me much healing, and many blessings through my relationship with these outstanding young families, like Alfredo and Yoli.
Extend Your Hands to Help!

That is why we keep asking you to extend your hands to help those in need. It’s easy to ask for those that we love. It’s a privilege for us to extend our hands to help our familia.
Please join us in praying for those on the Big Island. Join us also in extending your hands to make a generous gift to feed families that are in need. I can’t think of any better way to use the money that the Lord has entrusted to you.
Donate today by clicking on the button below.

In His Grip, Dave
1 Comment
By Rosemary Welch
We serve a mighty God. It is very nice to meet you. May God to bless and strengthen your family and the churches you plant. Amen
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