God is Expanding His Church
In my last post I mentioned that Dawn and I are in awe of how the Lord is growing the church on the Big Island. The church is multiplying at such a rate in some parts of the Big Island that it’s hard to fathom that it can be true. In all our years of ministry, over 30 years, we’ve never experienced this kind of breakthrough before!
Last year in 2021 almost 13,000 people came to Christ. The churches we are partnering with reported a total of 12,782 people responding to the gospel message. The pastors that we partner with, our familia always surprise us with their amazing faith, perseverance and dedication. They serve under some of the most difficult circumstances.
Growth in the Midst of Trials and Difficulties

One of the pastors we work with Ronaldo sent me a message recently. He said, “in these days on the Big Island it is very difficult to minister in the depressing and discouraging conditions that we are experiencing. We are praying for the strength and courage to continue to minister in adversity, poverty and discouragement. In the power of the gospel and in the power of the Holy Spirit we can preach the Word and encourage the brothers and sisters to live for the glory of God and to fight for the extension of the kingdom of God. We always appreciate your prayers, and we thank you for the love that unites us.”
Ronaldo’s comments sheds some light on the difficult circumstances that our familia is enduring. It’s sad to think about what they are growing through. Our love for them motivates us to encourage them and to raise funds so that we can aid them as they live and minister under these trying conditions.
Obviously there are some tremendous challenges that our pastors and their families are facing. I realize that the church often grows under pressure, yet I’m still amazed by the commitment of our familia to continue.
Many are Responding to the Gospel!

The pastors that we are working most closely with reported that they shared the gospel with 23,589 people and that 12,782 came to Christ in 2021. 98 new churches were started last year, and they have a total of at least 314 churches. We sent aid that helped support 887 people, on a monthly basis. We also were able to raise funds to help buy music equipment, mattresses, a roof, an air conditioner, a bicycle, building materials to help pastoral families and expand ministries.
It brings tears to my eyes when I think of what our familia has to suffer through. I also tear up when I think of God’s goodness to provide through you so that we can send monthly aid to these dear friends who have become like family. It was almost two years ago when COVID began, and Dawn and I felt like we had to do something. We needed to raise funds so that we could help these families. I originally thought we would only need to help them in this way for a few months, but the need has actually grown over these last two years.
On the positive side the gospel ministry is also expanding. It’s just amazing to think about almost 13,000 people coming to Christ in one year. I can’t wait to see what the Lord will do in 2022!
We’ve prayed for a move of God like this for a long time. It’s wonderful to see Jesus respond to our petitions. We would love to see this type of fruit in all the places we are working in!
Extend Your Hands to Help!
Your prayers and your financial gifts are pivotal and they are making a huge difference in the lives of these families. We’d like to ask you to extend your hands to help those in need. You play an important part in seeing the extension of the kingdom of God in Mexico and on the Big Island!
In His Grip, Dave