Remembering Hannah on Her 30th Birthday

This last Tuesday, April 9th, was our daughter, Hannah’s 30th birthday. Jonathan and I went to the cemetery to put some flowers on her grave and to clean up her gravestone. I must admit that I feel somber while there, yet somehow it makes me feel closer to her. I know she’s not there, but it helps me to remember my beautiful daughter and reflect on her life and the relationship that we had.
I’m grateful for the hope that we have in Christ! I know that one day soon we will be reunited.
God has been good to us, and he’s shown us tremendous love and mercy.
Hannah’s Toys of Hope

We give thanks for the new opportunity the Lord has given us to honor our daughter’s memory. We have been working on this new ministry Hannah’s — Toys of Hope, to honor her life and bring some joy to kids on the Big Island. Our good friends, Pastor Rene and Yarelis are like family to Dawn and me. It was Yarelis’s idea to start this ministry and to name it Hannah’s Toys of Hope.
It costs $10 to give a toy to a child on the Big Island. The seed of the gospel is being sown as Rene and Yarelis and the pastors they are working with give toys to children. Most of these kids don’t own a single toy if you can imagine it. Even if they have a toy, it is usually old and broken. This is a meaningful way to lift the spirits of these little ones. They are tangibly being shown the love of Jesus!
The Blessing of Baby Hannah

Another way we’ve seen the Lord’s grace as we’ve ministered to our familia on the Big Island is through the relationships that God has blessed us with. I’ve written about Daniel* and Debora* in the past. They are a sweet young couple. In the video posted below their daughter, Yessica shares how God answered her prayer for toothpaste.
Debora just gave birth on April 6th, and they named the baby Hannah after our daughter. That’s amazing to us! Some of our familia on the Big Island call us Padre y Madre, (dad and mom). That is in part because of the Latin culture they are very family-oriented. A number of the people we minister to come from very dysfunctional families. They don’t have much if any relationship with their parents.
Baby Hannah was born one day before Dawn’s birthday, and three days before Hannah’s 30th birthday. What a wonderful reminder of God’s grace and kindness.
The Lord is showering us with his kindness in this year when Hannah would have celebrated 30 years. He’s launched the ministry Hannah’s Toys of Hope, which opens doors and brings joy to children and their families. He’s given us these friends who love us like family and respect us enough to name their little baby girl after our daughter.
Join Us In Prayer
Please join us in prayer as we let others know about the ministry of Hannah’s Toys of Hope. Pray that many will be generous and give the gift of a toy. We are continuing to send monthly aid to several pastors for their families and others in the community. Pray for the Lord’s provision for these families. Unfortunately, Every time I look at the news regarding the Big Island the economy is getting worse. Ongoing inflation at 400%-500%. Frequent blackouts, where they go without electricity for 8 – 16 hours a day. It’s hot on the Big Island. When they don’t have electricity their fans don’t operate, and it’s difficult to sleep. Sadly there is a long list of challenges that they face daily.
Extend Your Hands to Help!

Your financial contribution of only $10 or more, will make a significant impact by providing a toy for a child.
Your generosity truly makes a difference!
You can join us in honoring our daughter, Hannah’s, memory by giving a toy to bless a child through a donation of $10 or more.
Dawn and I ask you to prayerfully consider extending your hands to help! Send a gift today to help a needy family, and extend the gospel on the Big Island. TOGETHER we can make a difference!
Bless a child with one toy for $10
OR Support one family for as little as $25 a month!
Click below to make a donation today.

Video: Life and Times on the Big Island
This short video will give you a glimpse into how God is at work on the Big Island. Some of the people who are receiving the aid that we are sending share their thanks at the end of the video. It’s heartwarming to see.
Thank you for joining us in prayer, and for considering making a gift to help our precious familia.
In His Grip, Dave
P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja, and Beyond
* names changed for security