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God is Building His Church on the Big Island!

The Gospel is Going Forth in the Midst of the Difficulties
Pastor Justin bottom left is always faithful to share the good news of the gospel

Dawn and I always enjoy connecting with our pastors, our familia on the Big Island. We love them and it’s great to learn about what the Lord is doing in and through them.

Life is still hard on the Big Island. Many people on the Island had been dealing with long periods without electricity. The good news is that has recently improved, and they have more electricity. Some of the challenges that they are facing is that the price of rice and beans, and other staple food items have skyrocketed. The average pastor makes 3,000 pesos a month, which is about $20 USD. One pound of rice now cost 150 pesos or $1 USD, and it used to only cost 5 pesos. Pastor Justin said they are only able to eat meat once a week. He added if it wasn’t for the aid that we’ve been sending they wouldn’t have enough to eat. The gifts that we are sending make a difference!

God is on the move, and he is building his church. In spite of all the obstacles that they are facing the church is growing. Justin told us that he and his wife were able to share the gospel with over 1,000 people this year and 450 said ‘YES’ to Jesus. The Lord used Justin and those who are partnering with him to plant 15 churches in 2022. We give thanks to the Lord for how lives are being transformed by the life giving message of Jesus.

Pastor Ernesto Shares His Thanks for Our Help and Encouragement
Top photo: Pastor Ernesto with some of the people from his church; bottom right: Pastor Ernesto giving aid to a family; bottom left: Pastor Ernesto with his wife, Dayana and his daughter

As we celebrate Christmas and come to the end of the year I thought you would enjoy a greeting from pastor Ernesto, one of the pastors on the Big Island that we have been supporting for the past year. “Pastor, a big hug from our family and to all the brothers and sisters who have helped us and blessed us through the ministry of you and Lety (Dawn). This year that is passing and is about to end, has been very hard for our nation, but we thank the Lord because despite being a difficult year with many needs in many areas, we have been able to see His hand caring for us and providing for us. We have been able to see God’s caring hand very much alive through you and your ministry, sending not only financial aid, but also the Word of life. In my case many times the words of encouragement that you send picks me up off of the floor and strengthens me to continue. THANK YOU PASTOR THANK YOU!”

Pastor Ernesto said that they saw 200 people come to Christ in this last year. They started seven new churches. Despite their lack they are committed to reaching out to those who are lost and without hope.

Pastor Marco & Pastor Jesus’s Need
Top photo: Pastor Jesus, Pastor Marco, Yolanda, Miguel and Raquel in front of the church; bottom right – Pastor Jesus & Raquel; bottom left – Yolanda, Raquel and Jesus leading worship

Pastor Marco, One of the other pastors we are working with shared a need that he has as they are starting new churches. The building for one of their church plants collapsed recently during the stormy season. Jesus, a young church planter who is working with Marco is planting this church. Jesus and his wife, Raquel are faithful evangelist sharing their faith in the city where the church is located. It’s wonderful to see how people’s lives are being changed by the gospel as they share the good news of Jesus. In the last year 60 people came to Christ through their outreach. I asked Marco and Jesus how much it would cost to rebuild the church, and they said $1,000 USD. That’s not much for us in the USA, but it’s a fortune for their economy. I told them that we would let you know about their need, and trust the Lord to raise the funds to rebuild the church.

Extend Your Hands to Help Those in Need!
Pastor Jesus’ church that collapsed

You can help Pastor Marco and Pastor Jesus rebuild their church so that more people will hear the good news of Jesus Christ. You can also give towards the needs of the other pastors and families that we are sending monthly aid to so that they can put food on the table.

Your gifts do make a difference in this nation. God is using you, because even where your feet cannot reach, your prayers can reach! Your offerings of love can reach!

TOGETHER we can make a difference! Pray with us and extend your hands to help our familia. Help us to end the year strong and bring hope to our familia Make a Donation Today.

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A Tale of Two Cities on the Big Island featuring Jessica’s prayer for toothpaste

Thank you for joining us in prayer, and for considering making a gift to help our precious familia.

In His Grip, Dave

P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja and Beyond

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