God is Answering Our Prayer for Restoration

From the top going clockwise: Yudy, Petri, Dawn, Dave, Roberto, Eliel, Jessica, Tirsa, Sarvia, Berenice, Mariel, Jose Luis, Blanca & Federico; Eliel & Jessica with Sarvia & Tirsa; Juan, Viki, Lucy, Jorge, Dave, Dawn, Blanca and Federico; Monse, Dawn, MiRae and Dave; Dave, Davis, Luz, Dawn, Ashley, Emi and Deivis.
Last Tuesday Dawn and I had lunch with a pastor’s wife from Moscow, Russia. She was telling us about her experience in Russia, and how although she was living in Russia she was actually from Ukraine, and her husband was Russian. It was interesting to hear her perspective on what was going on and how hard life is in Russia. She said that the people in Russia and Ukraine are used to suffering – in that they are used to having to live without things. Our new friend’s name is Tatiana. Dawn even met Tatiana’s daughter.
Dawn and I shared with Tatiana about our daughter, Hannah and how just a couple of weeks ago it was the 6th anniversary of when Hannah moved to heaven. Tatiana was very encouraging as she listened to our story. We told her that since Hannah died we have been praying for God’s restoration and redemption of what we’ve lost and suffered. One of the ways the Lord is answering this prayer is through all the young people that God has brought into our lives that we’ve adopted into our family. They’ve become like family to us. Special friends mainly from Mexico and Cuba. In the last year the Lord blessed us with a special friendship with a young woman from Korea. God is expanding our borders and our family.
We encourage and love on these special friends. They have told us how much they appreciate us, and many of them call us their, Padre and Madre, (Dad and Mom). This is more common in the Latin context, and we love the connection we have with them. The Lord has been wonderfully gracious to grow our family in this way. These relationships are some of the highlights of our ministry. Some of the fruit of our work and God’s work in us.

Someone said recently that a seed has to die and then it goes into the ground and it bears fruit. Although I must admit I don’t understand Hannah’s untimely death I do believe that God is restoring what we have lost. We are seeing increased fruit. I used to feel guilty when I would sense that we were somehow being blessed in someway since Hannah died. God is giving me more peace in this area, and I’m seeing God answering our prayer for restoration.
After we shared our story about Hannah and praying for restoration. Tatiana said she thought we should also start thanking God for answering our prayers. He is answering it through all these beautiful people, sons and daughters that he has brought into our family. God has even given us some additional grandchildren through these relationships.
As Tatiana was sharing with us and encouraging us my eyes began to tear up, as I sensed God’s love and grace.
Job’s Example of Perseverance in Suffering

The next day the Lord continued to confirm what he was saying to us through Tatiana. I was reading through my devotional and it led me to read about Job in James and in the book of Job.
“Brothers and sisters, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.”
James 5:10-11 NIV (emphasis mine)
“After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before. All his brothers and sisters and everyone who had known him before came and ate with him in his house. They comforted and consoled him over all the trouble the Lord had brought on him, and each one gave him a piece of silver and a gold ring. The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the former part. He had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand donkeys.”
Job 42:10-12 NIV (emphasis mine)
Even though I had read these passages before this time it hit me in a new way. The timing of when the Lord led me to read about Job’s life was amazing. God uses Job’s perseverance as an example in the New Testament. He was patient in the face of suffering. Job 42 speaks specifically about how God restored what he had lost. I especially love that it says, “The Lord blessed the latter par of Job’s life more than the former part.”
Wow! God is so good. He is full of wonderful kindness. It’s easy to miss if we only look at the pain and suffering. I thank the Lord for His love, and for the amazing ways that he has brought about restoration to our family. It’s an ongoing work, but I already see so much evidence of God’s restorative work!
I hope my reflections would be of encouragement to you. God is able and willing to restore what you have suffered.
Our daughter, Hannah loved the work that we do. She loved ministering with us. She prayed for the pastors we work with. We are raising funds right now to support our two church plants in Mexicali, and our church plant in Oaxaca. We continue to support our familia on the Big Island well.
Join us in Prayer & Extend Your Hands to Help Our Familia

You can make a gift to support these works in memory of our daughter, Hannah by clicking on the link below.
Dawn and I invite you to join us through prayer and by giving a special gift today to help advance the kingdom through our church plants on the Border, the Baja and Beyond! Thank you for praying for our family and considering this request!

In His Grip, Dave
P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja and Beyond!