Daniel and Yolanda Nuñez
In my last post I mentioned my friend, Daniel Nuñez, who serves in Tijuana. Daniel has a great vision for church planting, and caring for people.
His movement Lo Mejor Del Trigo has planted 11 churches in six years.…
Dave with Daniel Nuñez
In my last post I announced the launching of our upcoming English as a Second Language (ESL) training. The training will start in just a little over a week on March 23 - 24. I asked you…
Ray and Michele Call
ESL training starts in two weeks, March 23-24. We are stoked about launching this outreach with Harbor Mid City. Ray Call and I met with our good friend from Harbor, Edgardo Avila a couple of days ago. Edgardo…
Our Celebratory Meal
I noticed that I have received more comments and likes on my Facebook page about the picture (upper right) I posted a from our anniversary dinner than I every have. My friends are definitely interested in what is…
Reflections and Lessons from David's Life
I enjoy reading about the life of David. I suppose in part, because I am named after him. I also feel that I learn a number of valuable life lessons as I observe how God…
Ray Call
This past Thursday my BEAMM teammate, Ray Call, and I went to Westminster Seminary in Escondido, California to meet with students. We had a wonderful opportunity to share about what our vision is for reaching out to Hispanics on…
The Border Crossing into Tijuana, Mexico
The frequent bad news about the border is a reminder of the need for the transforming power of Christ. Only the gospel gives us lasting and real hope.
I just read a good article written in…
Dawn with Diane Karkosh
In my one of my posts about our champions from last summer I wrote about August and Carla Hein. They have been great friends and partners for a long time. Carla is especially good at connecting us…
As we endeavor to plant churches, and to see a movement started on the San Diego - Tijuana border we need to be sowing the gospel broadly. There is always a danger in the church to get away from one…
Our friend, Stephen Phelan leading Harbor Mid-City in communion a great Christian practice where we remember Christ death until He returns
Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. Forty days before we celebrate Christ's resurrection at Easter. I remember as a young…