Dreaming About Church Expansion
The meeting with church planters and leaders
This week I went around Tijuana with Daniel Nuñez and a new friend, JD Pearring looking at some of the new church plants, and dreaming about the future. There is…
A Prayer Meeting That's Lasted 21 Years
Prayer meeting in Ensenada
This weekend I had the pleasure of attending a pastoral alliance prayer meeting in Ensenada, Mexico.
I wasn't expecting much before I showed up. After all, prayer meetings are usually…
One of the Summer Highlights - VBS!
David having fun at VBS
We are in the middle of weekly summer VBS in City Heights.
Our son, David Jr. is leading VBS for Harbor. He's got a great team working with him, and…
Dawn, Dave and David Jr. with Pastor Mauro and his family and friends
David Jr., Dawn and I had a wonderful Sunday afternoon with our friends at Lo Mejor del Trigo in Mariano, Tijuana. One of our friends from Harbor, Matt…
Humility photo from samuelatgilgal.wordpress.com
God tells us in his kingdom the last shall be first and the first shall be last (Matt. 20:16). Isn't that opposite of the way we think things should usually be? I guess, that's the point, isn't it?
Dawn speaking in front of the women with Martha
This past Saturday Dawn had the opportunity to share her story with our friends at Lo Mejor del Trigo in Rojo Gomez. Our friend, Martha Velazquez organized an event for over 100…
Ray and Dave with some pastors and new friends from the National Church in Mexico
God is on the Move in Baja
I'm blown away by God's grace and the wonderful doors that the Lord keeps opening up for us. Some…
Dawn and I accomplished a first on Tuesday. We are in a small village San Antonio de las Minas near Ensenada, Mexico for the first time. The other thing I'm doing for the first time is writing this post using…
The Joy of Connecting with Like-Minded Friends
Dawn and Dave with Cesar and Kristina, Martha and Abraham - some of the wonderful servants Dave and Dawn work with.
As we encourage others God richly blesses us. Wow, thank you Jesus!
This past week…
Peter and Jenny Boling are in the middle with Dawn and Dave and Yolanda's mom on the left and Sophie (our intern), Yolanda and Daniel and Camila Nuñez on the right in Tijuana
Over the last month I've been working with…