Goal Accomplished - A New Church!
Celebrating finishing the roof on the church
On Saturday we took another group of 40 down to Tijuana to finish up the church building. The trip to Tijuana was a wonderful day on many fronts.
There is Joy in the Church
Pastor Daniel Nuñez & Pastor Ivan Casados
Today we head back down to Tijuana to finish the church building that we started last week. Our group from Harbor is about the same size this week,…
The Kingdom Expands
Daniel Nuñez directing our group at the start of the day
Wow! was the common sentiment expressed on Saturday and Sunday. The quick progress left our group of 40 that went down to Tijuana on Saturday amazed.
When we…
Excited About the Church in Valle Verde
Ivan and Dave at the church site surrounded by all the building materials
I think it's fun to be involved in the start of something new. There is so much potential for good things…
Baseball & Church Planting
Dave with Pastor Ivan on the foundation for the new church plant
I'm excited about two events that are going on this week. One is the beginning of baseball season, and second is the building of the…
Be Still My Soul
The Diaso Family - growing together in God's grace
Through our work in the ministry and our family trials God has been teaching me some great lessons. One of them is the importance of resting in him.
A New Church is Born
Pastor Ivan Casados with Pastor Daniel Nuñez on the new church's foundation
On Friday afternoon pastor Daniel Nuñez and his wife, Yolanda and I went to visit pastor Ivan Casados at the new church plant site…
God Gives Us Hope in the Darkness
Dawn & Dawn with Hannah
When we find ourselves in a difficult place we might wonder if God will truly rescue us. We might wonder if there is hope in the dark places.
Dawn and…
The Lord's Prayer
The beautiful sunset at Imperial Beach
I grew up praying the "Our Father" or "The Lord's Prayer". The repetition caused the words to lose some of their significance.
In the last few years I've been struck by the wisdom…
Is the Question Why or Who?
David Jr., Hannah and Jon, bring us a lot of joy
My heart is heavy as we traverse through this trial. As far as I'm concerned it's already gone on too long, but my Dad…