Faithful Friends
Hannah with her brothers, David Jr. & Jon
One of the things that gives me buoyancy as our family endures this trial is all of the faithful friends that God has given us. We are truly blessed by so…
The Simple Truths
Hannah & Dawn enjoying a tea party
Today as I was praying for Hannah, my family and life in general, God met me. He reminded me of some simple things. Truth he had given me before. Much of…
The Blessing of Your Prayers
Hannah with her brothers, David Jr. & Jon
Yesterday I told my mom that Hannah was doing better, that we saw improvement. She responded by saying, there are so many praying, so heaven is being stormed…
Join Us in Prayer for Hannah
Our beautiful daughter, Hannah!
We need the Lord's people to join us in lifting up our family, and especially our daughter in prayer. Hannah is in ICU at the hospital, and she isn't responding as…
West Coast Missions Conference
The West Coast Missions Conference
This weekend was a blast! Mission to the World (MTW) held their first ever West Coast Missions Conference at one of our favorite churches, Redeemer San Diego.
Dawn and I enjoyed connecting with…
Celebrating Pastor Daniel & LMT!
Praying for Pastor Daniel Nuñez and Yolanda at Lo Mejor del Trigo
On Sunday Dawn and I participated in a wonderful worship service with our friends from Lo Mejor del Trigo (LMT). We felt so blessed…
Victor & Sol's Story of Grace
Victor & Sol Bravo
Dawn and I loved the time we spent this last week with Lo Mejor del Trigo's newest church planting couple, Victor and Sol Bravo. They are a wonderful young couple with…
A Fiesta for Jaime
Pastor Jaime with his wife, Valentina sharing his vision for the Hispanic ministry
On Sunday we had a fiesta after church for our new hispanic pastor, Jaime Rodriguez. Bridge church went through a tough stretch this last…
The Band of Brothers & Sisters at LMT
Some of the pastors and their wives from Lo Mejor del Trigo
On Monday evening Dawn and I had the privilege of being with some of my favorite people in the world, the…
2015 Are You Ready?
Stretching towards the goal in 2015
I don't know about you, but I sometimes struggle to get psyched up for the new year. After having fun with my family and taking a few days off during the…