Oriesa Wiyono, a young medical student, who is currently working as paramedic in San Diego wrote a beautiful piece about what God did in and through her while she was in Ensenada, Mexico.
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God Can & Does Use Meetings!
Dave and Larry Trotter with Pastors Cesar Santizo, Felipe Hernandez, Benjamin Romero & Victor Hugo Herrera
Meetings aren't always fun, but God can and does work through them. This last week fellow MTW missionary, Larry Trotter…
Dr. Christina Tan's Missions Report
Dr. Christina Tan treating patients during the medical outreach
One of the doctors, Dr. Christina Tan, who went on our medical missions trip to Ensenada wrote a report of her experience. I asked her if I could…
The team from Redeemer Presbyterian San Diego
Christ's Love Shines Forth!
One of the many things I was impressed about last week during our medical missions trip was the love that our Redeemer Presbyterian San Diego showed. They demonstrated patience as…
The Medical Missions Outreach - A Huge Success
The medical team from Redeemer Presbyterian Church with the translators
On the ride back to the church after our last day of the medical clinic our Mexican brothers and sisters were sharing how…
Medical Missions In Ensenada
I hope you are still living in the afterglow of Easter!
Kathie Kim & Sarah Oh from Redeemer SD in the middle surrounded by the leaders from iglesia Nueva Jerusalén
It's because of Easter, because of what Christ…
A Celebration - A New Birth
Pastor Daniel anointing Victor and Sol as they begin the ministry in Plan Libertador
What a wonderful celebration! Sol said she felt like she did on her wedding day on the day of the inauguration…
The Bombs are Falling!
Dave at the U.S. Mexico border - Life on the Border
I read an interesting article this week that referred to the effects that the bombings had on the English in WWII. The Germans thought that if…
God came through again!
Our group working hard to build the church!
We are so thankful that God came through again. He answered your prayers, and he gave us an outstanding day on Saturday.
The church is built! We accomplished the goal!
Rosarito Church Plant
The new church in Rosarito!
Today we are headed down to Rosarito, Mexico to finish up the church that we started last week. I'm thrilled, those that are going down to build the church are excited, and pastor…