The Light of Christ Shines Brightly Amidst Power Outages
Sharing the Light of Christ and giving to those in need
When I write about the Big Island I realize that I often share about the hardships that people face in daily…
God is Building His Church in Colima
Dawn and Dawn with Pastor Jose Luis and Mariel, Josefat, Asaf and Mariel's mom
Colima is located in central-western Mexico and is the capital of the State with the same name. It is located…
Giving Hope and Bringing Smiles
The children are excited about their new toys
Dawn and I are thankful for the good response that we've received for Hannah's Toys of Hope (Esperanza) so far. Thank you to those of you who have…
Hospital of Faith Church
Hospital de la Fe Church - Baptism ceremony top photo
On April 21st, Hospital de la Fe (Hospital of Faith Church) celebrated its 4th anniversary. Pastor Eliel and Jessica Osorio lead the church plant in Oaxaca, Mexico.…
Remembering Hannah on Her 30th Birthday
Hannah Elizabeth Diaso - 4/9/1994-10/18/2016
This last Tuesday, April 9th, was our daughter, Hannah's 30th birthday. Jonathan and I went to the cemetery to put some flowers on her grave and to clean up her…
Honoring Hannah's Memory
Some of the children on the Big Island who are receiving a new toy
Ever since our daughter, Hannah moved to heaven our family has thought of meaningful ways we can honor her memory. In 2018 we built…
Giving Thanks for Ministerios Transformación
Ministerios Transformación led by Pastor Daniel and Yolanda Nuñez
When I read through Paul's epistles I realize that he did not do ministry alone. He recognized the value of working with a team and partnering in…
Brightening Lives: Rene and Yarelis's Mission to Bring Joy through Hannah's Toys of Esperanza
Pastor Rene & Yarelis
Recently, I had a fruitful conversation with Pastor Rene and Yarelis, and after their approval, we are now able to use their real…
A Ministry to Bless Children and Families
Bottom Left: Pastor Rolando & Yolanda; Hannah; One of the boys we are helping and the small rickety home that he lives in
On Christmas day one of the pastor's wives, Yolanda* who lives…
The Answer is Jesus
Verdad y Vida "Truth and Life" Church
Much of Mexico can be metaphorically likened to the arid terrain of Mexicali—a desert, hot and dry in desperate need of relief. This characterization extends beyond physical aspects to encompass…