Open Doors on the Road
The Youth leading us in worship at the mother church where Luis is the pastor
Dawn and I are often amazed by all that the Lord does when traveling and when we are here on the…
To Die is Gain, even in Our Pain
Dawn and Dave with Hannah when she graduated from IMPACT 195. Two months later she graduated to heaven. We miss her every day. So thankful for our hope in Jesus!
Today marks the…
Multiplication in Mexico and Beyond
Group of Pastors and leaders that went through the Red de Multiplicación training in Comalcalco, Mexico near Villahermosa
This past week has been a special time for Dawn and me. On October 3, we landed in…
Mourning for a Dear Friend
Our beautiful young friend Mitchell moved to heaven on October 1
Today my heart is heavy, because we lost a dear young friend. Our 15 year old friend, Mitchell was battling leukemia. Dawn and I were…
The Cry of Our Heart!
Pastor Victor and Sol with Sofia
One of the cries of our heart is for more of the Lord. A greater presence and power as we live and love. We have this confidence that the Lord…
The Joy of a Changed Life!
Pastor Ivan with the people from the church who were baptized
On Sunday, September 16th Mexico celebrated their independence. The church also celebrated our liberty. Christ makes us free!
One of the most gratifying things in…
Making a Difference in Plan Libertador
Sol seated on the right with some of the children she is working with.
Dawn and I are truly enriched to have such wonderful friends and partners that we minister alongside. Pastor Victor Bravo and…
Dave & Dawn on a journey together
God Leads Wherever We Go!
Dawn and I just returned from a road trip. I originally thought that I would be able to post while traveling, but our schedule ended up being more full…
The Joy of Serving Jesus!
The View from Monte Sinai church and the people worshipping the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
One of the principle joys that Dawn and I share in our ministry on the Border and Beyond…
A Fun-filled Week of VBS
Many smiles - a fun-filled week on VBS in Ensenada
One of the favorite parts of our summer for the last 5 years in a row has been when the group from Skyview comes from Colorado…