My Best Ministry Trip to Date!
Dave with Pastor Mario and his wife, Yany and their church in Cabaiguán
I just returned from a two week trip to Cuba. It was an outstanding trip, and the Lord showed up in some…
Giving Thanks for our Wonderful Partners!
Pastor Deivis Pardo and his wife Luz and their three children
This morning I was reading Philippians 1, which is one of my favorite passages. Even though I've read it many times before today…
Ministry & Family in Fresno & Bakersfield
My dad, Ron Diaso and I
I never grow tired of seeing the gospel bring about transformation, a changed life!
I'm writing this post just as I'm getting ready to leave Fresno and head back…
A Week In The Wild - VBS
A week of fun learning through In The Wild VBS
Our week in Ensenada with Renuevo church and Skyview is always one of the highlights of the year. This is the 6th summer in…
Dawn and I first began in ministry while we were still single. Dawn began serving with Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru) in Kenya, Africa. Then she moved to Cru’s headquarters in San Bernardino, California. I first began in ministry at…
Prayer to Expand Our Borders
Our dear friends and growing family in Cuba!
A few years ago, we began praying that the Lord would expand our borders. We like to say the Border, the Baja and Beyond. Dawn and I didn't…
Alliance for Latina America
The Alliance for Latin America met together in Lima, Peru at the beginning of July
In my last post, I wrote about how the Lord richly blessed me and opened some amazing doors for ministry while I…
Thankful for the Lord's Answer to Prayer
Manizales, Colombia
I just returned from Colombia and Peru. I greatly appreciate your prayers for my trip and opportunities to minister there. The Lord answered and I'm overwhelmed by God's love and all that…
God is on the Move in Amazing Ways I'm writing this as I fly from Mexico to Colombia, and by the time you read this I will be in Colombia. We are excited about all the Lord is doing in…
Kingdom Expansion
The Red de Multiplicación conference in Mexico City
I was in Mexico City in May for a big conference with a number of different denominations and churches involved in church planting. There were church planters and leaders from throughout…