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Why the Church? Is it Still Valid Today?

Should We Get Excited About the Church?

Dave & Peter (the small guys in the back) with Benjamin & Blanca Romero and Victor & Fanny and Karis Gonzalez in Los Cabos
Dave & Peter (the small guys in the back) with Benjamin & Blanca Romero and Victor & Fanny and Karis Gonzalez in Los Cabos exploring a new church planting project for La Paz

We talk a lot about planting churches. You could say we get excited about seeing new churches start-up. And maybe you wonder why? To some the church seems like a mess. I mean how could God use it? Just read the newspaper and you will find some bad news about a church somewhere.
Those are good questions.
And yet despite its shortcomings, God in his infinite wisdom chose the church as his vehicle for his kingdom to grow on the earth. Jesus taught us to pray, thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We pray for the expansion of the Lord’s kingdom as he works through his church.

Life Transformation is Why!

One of the main reasons why we do what we do is because of the transformed lives. It’s gets us stoked to see and hear the stories of a life changed by the gospel. When Jesus enters in and turns someone’s world upside down.
This last Sunday at the multi-cultural, bilingual church, Bridge Church (formerly Harbor Mid-City) that we partner with Dawn and I were able to share in the story of wonderful story of a man with many last names who God claimed as his own.

Robert’s Story – Covenant Renewal

Many people were moved to tears as they listened to Robert’s testimony. Watch the video here, and see if you don’t agree that God has done an amazing work in Robert’s life.
Dawn and I feel privileged to get a front row seat to what God is doing in the lives of people through the work of his church. As feeble as the church may be Jesus reigns supreme and he is the giver of life. He gives us hope and through the gospel we see life transformation.

Some Exciting New Works

I just returned from Los Cabos and La Paz Mexico where we are working on a new church planting project. We are working and praying for the right church planter to lead this project.
We are also talking to Pastor Daniel Nuñez about partnering with Lo Mejor del Trigo to start a new church planting project near Rosarito in Mexico. God is on the move here and he that keeps us busy.
Please join us in prayer that we will see the Lord open the necessary doors and bring everything together so that these churches will be healthy from the beginning.
In His Grip, Dave


  • By Pieter Stok
    Posted November 13, 2014 at 2:58 pm

    A great post. Thanks

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted November 13, 2014 at 9:39 pm

      Thank you – I always appreciate a good word of encouragement!

  • By jedgourley
    Posted November 24, 2014 at 10:03 am

    Like your comments on the importance of the church in missions. Thanks for the word!

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted November 28, 2014 at 9:22 pm

      Glad that you found them helpful- thanks for your encouragement!

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