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A Church Planting Network in Mexico

Monterrey, Mexico
Monterrey, Mexico

God opened my eyes even wider as I was challenged to consider working with others to reach Northwestern Mexico for Christ. I found myself feeling encouraged and at times overwhelmed.
I felt overwhelmed, when I got my eyes off of the cross, and focused on my own efforts, and how I would be able to accomplish the task of seeing the gospel extend to other parts of Mexico. I was encouraged as I considered joining with others, and an already strong church planting network that is based in Monterrey, Mexico.

The Church Planting Center

The Centro para la Plantación de Iglesias (Church Planting Center) is a ministry of Mission to the World (MTW). Dawn and I played a small part in the beginnings of this effort. We served in Mexico City when the seeds for this work were being sown.
Not everything that MTW has done in Mexico has borne fruit, so it’s thrilling to see when God does put his finger of blessing on a work.

Connecting Movement Leaders

Andres Garza and Daniel Nuñez chatting over a wonderful Mexican meal
Andres Garza and Daniel Nuñez chatting over a wonderful Mexican meal

One of the most exciting things for me on this weekend was that I was able to introduce Daniel Nuñez from Tijuana and a movement leader in his own right to the group here. I’m not sure what God will do as a result of the connection that Daniel was able to make with Andres Garza, who leads the Church Planting Center, but it’s fun to watch.
I enjoy dreaming about what might be. What could be! That’s at least part of what vision is all about.
I dream of a day when San Diego and Tijuana will be an even bigger hub for the extension of God’s kingdom on the border, and in northwestern Mexico.
Andres Garza sharing about the dream of MTW for northern Mexico
Andres Garza sharing about the dream of MTW for northern Mexico

I learned this weekend that 96% of the Presbyterian churches in Mexico are in the southern Mexico. There is a huge need for the church to grow and be strengthened in northern Mexico, and even more so in the northwest.

Keep Praying

I believe that part of the reason the Lord is increasing our vision and in doing so our boundaries is because of so many of you lifting us up in prayer.
Tomorrow I leave for some meetings in the La Paz, Baja California where we will discuss the opening of a new church planting field in that city. La Paz is the capital of Lower Baja California, and we don’t have any churches there. It’s a strategic city with a huge need. Join us in prayer that the Lord will go before us and bless our time in La Paz.
In His Grip, Dave


  • By Lena Rae
    Posted September 23, 2013 at 6:05 pm

    Are you with MTW? Wow – I never knew this. My husband and I almost went to Scotland seven years ago with MTW until the Lord stopped us. It broke our hearts but we stayed in the states and did not go abroad. I am happy to say the Lord knew what was best for us and His Kingdom work.
    Praying for you.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted September 23, 2013 at 6:09 pm

      Yes – we are with MTW. We worked with them from 1988 – 2003, and then we came back with them a few years ago. It’s interesting how the Lord works. I know that it’s difficult when you are working towards something and it doesn’t work out, but we can trust in God’s wisdom and loving care. Thanks for your encouragement and for your prayers.

  • By Juliet
    Posted September 24, 2013 at 6:10 am

    Thanks so much for sharing what God is doing in this ministry. I can relate with your statement about becoming overwhelmed when you took your eyes off of the cross and focused on your own efforts. It’s so easy to do, especially when the task at hand stretches us and is uncertain. And yet, it is so reassuring to know that God is faithful and is there with us leading the way, that his power and abilities are far beyond what we could ever imagine. :0)

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted September 24, 2013 at 10:04 am

      It is easy to get our eyes off of Christ, and our enemy seeks to get us distracted by focusing on the wrong thing. I’m grateful for the promise in Lamentations 3:22 & 23, “The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
      Thanks for your encouragement!

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