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The Start of a New Era at Harbor

Roberto & Mana Shim
Roberto & Mana Shim

Today (Sunday) marked the beginning of a new era for Harbor Mid-City. Roberto Shim began his first Sunday as pastor of the Spanish-speaking congregation.
Roberto and Mana Shim have been very involved at Harbor for a while, but he’s just started leading the church’s Spanish-speaking ministry. We are excited about what lies ahead.
We will miss Edgardo and Elizabeth Avila. Edgardo was the previous pastor at Harbor. He pastored since the inception of the church. Edgardo and Elizabeth did a wonderful job leading the church. They are great friends, and it’s been hard to see them move on. Yet we know the Lord has a new ministry for them. He will use them as they seek him.
Change is not easy, but we are excited, because we believe that Roberto has the gifts the church needs to help it move forward today. Our hope and prayer is the same, that God’s kingdom will be expanded through the ministry of his church.
Just as Edgardo and Elizabeth have been great friends, we love Roberto and Mana. They are wonderful servants of the Lord, and they are a joy to work with.
I’ve been meeting with Roberto and Vicente for the past several months. We have been planning and praying. I feel like the Lord has given us a great sense of camaraderie. We are working as a team and thinking through how to grow the church and how to be a blessing to the community.
Lord, we do pray that your kingdom will be expanded on the earth as it is in heaven. Use Harbor Mid-City to be a blessing to the community. We ask that you would give us wisdom and boldness that your Word will go forth powerfully and that many will be reached for Christ. Give Roberto wisdom as he leads the church.
In His Grip, Dave


  • By Debbie
    Posted June 3, 2013 at 8:03 pm

    Thank you for sharing with us how He is working in all the change and through all the amazing people! God bless you!

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted June 6, 2013 at 12:31 am

      Thank you for all your encouragement along the way. Blessings to you as well.

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