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The Spirit Moves on the Mountain

Missions at Covenant College

Dave & Dawn at Covenant College
Dave & Dawn at Covenant College

After a wonderful weekend at Mission to the World’s (MTW) The Spirit Moves missions conference, Dawn and I visited Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia. Covenant held their missions conference this week, and we sensed God’s Spirit as we participated in the conference.
We both love the opportunity to interact with college students. It’s hard to believe that all three of our grown children, David Jr., Jon and Hannah are college age. Maybe that’s one of the reasons that we enjoy this age group. The youthful energy and excitement about living life to its fullest is refreshing.
I spoke in two missions classes while we were at the college. I thoroughly enjoyed the time with the students. They expressed genuine interest as we explored the themes of cross-cultural church planting in a Hispanic context. I challenged the students to consider the border as a place to minister.
Some of them are praying about the possibility of doing an internship with us next summer! Pray that the Lord blesses us and the border with some good interns.

Prayer for New Missionaries

Dawn and I feel led to pray specifically for workers to join us in the church planting ministry on the border. Our hope is to see the city renewed and the border revived as we serve in the bi-national city of San Diego – Tijuana.
These two conferences served as a reminder of our need to set prayer goals, and that Jesus calls us to pray for men and women to join us in mission.

Pray for 10

Dawn with Ashley Bates a friend from Colorado and student at Covenant College
Dawn with Ashley Bates a friend from Colorado who is a student at Covenant College

We would like to ask you to join us in prayer for a team of 10 people. The main needs we have are for church planters, a trainer, a community development coordinator, a coordinator of short-term missions and interns. These are the main needs we have now.
Our desire is to pair up MTW missionaries with Mexican church planters in Tijuana, Ensenada and Mexicali. We already have one MTW family that will be pairing up with a Mexican church planter in La Paz. God is expanding his work, and in doing so his kingdom.
That is our prayer that the kingdom of God will expand on earth as it is in heaven.
I mentioned in my last post that MTW has a prayer goal to pray for 150 new missionaries by 2015. Join us in that prayer goal, and pray that some of those 150 will be drawn to the border.
I believe that some of the labor force will come from these young people we met at Covenant College. This is the Lord’s work, and he is committed to building his church!
In His Grip, Dave


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  • By S. Keith Barnes
    Posted November 24, 2013 at 8:39 pm

    Thanks for the post…will agree with you in prayer!

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted November 24, 2013 at 11:08 pm

      Thanks – I appreciate the prayer. It’s been a tough week, although very encouraging to see the Lord come through, and deliver us.

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