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The Spirit Breaks Through in Bakersfield

Dave preaching at Covenant Presbyterian Church
Dave preaching at Covenant Presbyterian Church

On Sunday I had the privilege of speaking in Sunday School and preaching at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Bakersfield. The Lord really showed up. I left filled up. Thank you, Jesus!
I preached on Matthew 9:35-38 while weaving in Luke 15. Luke 15 speaks of the lost coin, the lost sheep and the lost son. Matthew 9 explains how Christ was going through the towns and villages proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing people. This affected Jesus’ heart. He had compassion on the people as he saw their sorry state. Then he asked the disciples to pray:

” The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

This is a great missionary passage. It’s a truth that still rings true today. The harvest is still plentiful and there is still a huge need for workers.

Dave with Pastor Randy Martin
Dave with Pastor Randy Martin

I’ve preached this sermon before, but for some reason this last Sunday God moved in my heart in a special way. His Spirit touched me, and I sensed that He was at work in the hearts of those that came. I saw some with tears in their eyes. Now I don’t usually have that effect on people, so I know it was God’s Spirit at work. I praise the Lord that He would use me to touch others for His glory.
I love Charles Spurgeon. He is a master in the way he crafts his words. He describes things in picturesque fashion. I shared one of his quotes and the Lord used it to minister to me and the people. I’ve read this quote before, but as I read it I got emotional, which doesn’t happen very often. Also I could see that some of the people were teary eyed.
This is the quote, and I hope the Lord will minister to you through it as well. As you read it think of how great God’s love is for you personally as well as those prodigals you may know. Spurgeon is referring to the scene when the prodigal returns to his father. The title of the Sermon is, “Many kisses for returning sinners.”

Think of yourself as well as I you read this – look at how much God loves you!

In this repeated kissing we see, then, these three things: much love, much forgiveness, and full restoration.
Let me try to describe the scene. The father has kissed the son, and he bids him sit down; then he comes in front of him, and looks at him, and feels so happy that he says, “I must give you another kiss,” then he walks away a minute; but he is back again before long, saying to himself, “Oh, I must give him another kiss!” He gives him another, for he is so happy. His heart beats fast; he feels very joyful; the old man would like the music to strike up; he wants to be at the dancing; but meanwhile he satisfies himself by a repeated look at his long-lost child. Oh, I believe that God looks at the sinner, and looks at him again, and keeps on looking at him, all the while delighting in the very sight of him, when he is truly repentant, and comes back to his Father’s house.”

Isn’t it wonderful to be loved by our amazing Father? Isn’t it an amazing love?
In His Grip, Dave
P.S. Please be in prayer for me this week as I meet with many of our ministry partners on the border.


  • By Debbie
    Posted May 22, 2012 at 12:19 pm

    I can see why this touched and blessed you and others! I am sending it on to a friend! God bless you as you meet with others this week, His will being worked out each hour of each day!

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted May 22, 2012 at 10:49 pm

      That’s great – I’m sure it will bless your friend!

  • By Sandra Franchesca Cruz
    Posted May 22, 2012 at 12:23 pm

    I was moved by the Spirit to understand a “gut felt” compassion that Jesus had for the lost, both for their spiritual needs but also for their physical neds. It puts a new meaning to missions for me. I love the word picture that you shared of Spurgeons quote–much love, much forgiveness, and MUCH RESTORATION! Thanks again.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted May 22, 2012 at 10:49 pm

      Thank you – it was great to meet you, and I’m grateful the Lord encouraged you through the sermon. Praise the Lord!

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