Sharing the love of Christ through prayer and medical care
Last Saturday when Hannah and I were ministering with Redeemer San Diego and La Nueva Jerusalén in Ensenada was definitely a highlight on the year. It filled my heart to see so many different people come together from different cultures to serve people in need. Sarah Oh giving dental care
Another reason it brought satisfaction to my soul was the special blessing of being able to minister with my daughter. What a high privilege to pray with people, and share the gospel with them. Then to see the Lord use my daughter to lead 7 people in prayer to receive Christ! Wow! Hallelujah and Amen!
Close to 80 people attended the medical clinic and each of them were shown the love of Christ in a real and tangible way through the medical team that treated them. I thank the Lord for such a loving and caring group of medical professionals and staff from both sides of the border!
Good News on Good Friday!
Sharing the love of Christ in a tangible way through the medical clinic
As I write this today on Good Friday I think of the sacrifice that our Lord Jesus Christ made for us on the cross. When Hannah and I shared the gospel with the people I found it ministered to my soul as we explained the importance of Christ death and resurrection. Of course, without his death, there would be no resurrection.
I don’t like the darkness of Friday, but I’m praising the Lord that the story didn’t end on Friday. On Sunday Jesus Rose from the grave! He defeated sin, death and Satan on the cross! Hallelujah!
God’s Spirit spoke to me through the message of the gospel as I shared it with people who had not yet come to the savior. It was so encouraging to see their eyes light up as I explained the hope we have in Christ.
Our Sin Nailed to the Cross
I’m reminded of what’s become one of my favorite passages over the last year, which is found in Colossians 2.
And you (I was or We were), who were dead in your (my – our) trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us (me) all our (my) trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us (me) with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.
Colossians 2:13-15 ESV (parenthesis is my personalization of the passage)
The late Jack Miller, founder of World Harvest Missions used to speak of preaching the gospel to ourselves. This passage helps us to do that, and when I share the gospel with others I’m reminded of the significance of Christ death and resurrection for my life. Christ died the death that I should have died, and he lived the life that I couldn’t but should have lived, so that I might have life everlasting.
Rejoice with me friends, even on this dark day when we stop to remember the sacrificial death of our savior!
In His Grip, Dave
By sustainabilitea
A most happy and blessed Easter to all of you!
By diasolifeontheborder
He is Risen! Happy Easter to you as well
By sustainabilitea
He is risen indeed. Hallelujah!
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