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The Lord’s Catapult: Launching Out in 2016!

Get Ready for Take-off!

Petri & Dave at Redeemer San Diego's missions conference sharing about the Ensenada project with Sue Harris and pastor Paul Kim
Petri & Dave at Redeemer San Diego’s missions conference sharing about the Ensenada project with Sue Harris and pastor Paul Kim

This year is getting off to a rocket like start, and I feel like I’ve hardly had a chance to stop and catch my breath!
There are a number of good things going on. I’ll highlight a few of them here.
The biggest and most exciting development is that we are beginning to work on putting together a new church planting project in Ensenada. Ensenada has a population of over 500,000 and it lies 78 miles south of San Diego. There is only one small Presbyterian church in this city.
Our good friends Jesus “Petri” Petrikowsky and his wife, Yudy will be leading this church plant. They went through our church planting assessment center in November and they came through highly qualified to plant a church.
Petri & Yudy
Petri & Yudy

Please pray with us as I am working with the church in Mexico as well as supporting churches in the U.S. with the goal of getting this project off the ground towards the later half of this year. The project is off to a good start, but we still have a ways to go.
Dawn and I were at Redeemer San Diego’s missions conference this past weekend. Petri and Yudy attended the conference with us. We had the opportunity to meet a number of interested people, and to share about the vision of this church plant.

A New Church Plant in TJ!

Pastor Daniel Nuñez and Victor Bravo with Dave
Pastor Daniel Nuñez the leader of Ministerios Transformación and Victor Bravo (in the middle), one of our newest church planters with Dave.

I’m also excited about the next church plant we will partner with pastor Daniel Nuñez on. This church plant is also in the initial stages. I’m praying and working with pastor Daniel on raising the funds and looking for the right church planter. Join us in prayer for this wonderful opportunity as well.
One update on the network of churches formerly known as Lo Mejor del Trigo is that the name has changed to Ministerios Transformación (Transformation Ministries).
After some time of agonizing over this decision Daniel along with his leaders decided to change the name of their ministry. A new name, but the same vision and call.

Short-term Missions Opportunities

Maria with her young child
Maria with her young child. God touched Maria and brought her to faith during our last Medical outreach in Ensenada

The other ministry opportunities that are coming up soon are short-term outreach projects in Ensenada and Tijuana. We will be holding another medical outreach in Ensenada in early April. In March one or two groups of young adults are coming to Tijuana for outreach using sports and fun activities for children.
One of the reasons I’ve felt so busy is that even though we haven’t begun these projects yet there’s a lot of work and effort that goes into planning and preparing. If we don’t prepare well we will not be successful.
I am feeling the need to schedule in some space for extra time to pray, to think, to meditate and even to plan. Pray with me that I will be disciplined to set aside the time for that.
Thank you dear friends for standing with us as we seek to make advances for the kingdom!
In His Grip, Dave
DiasoLifeOnTheBorder. org