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The Joy of Mobilizing for the Kingdom at Covenant!

Dave sharing with the seminary students at Covenant
Dave sharing with the seminary students at Covenant

Mobilizing for kingdom work. It’s something I enjoy.
It gives me energy to interact with young people who love Jesus, and have an interest in missions. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Covenant Seminary. When I think about it I love to tell our story, and to share about the needs of the border. It’s not difficult to build a case for the area of the world we minister in.
The tale of two cities. You have the beauty of San Diego, yet under the surface, deep in the social fabric of the city there are some huge needs. Drugs. Sex trafficking. Immigration issues, and the list goes on. The tale of Tijuana is well noted. Crime and violence have been rampant, although they have slowed down recently. The problem can’t be ignored.
Do we have an answer for this problem?
We just celebrated the answer this past Sunday. Christ triumphant is the answer. The gospel is the answer, and it’s man’s only hope! He is the light of the world. He is the living water. He brings hope for the broken and downtrodden.
I wasn’t sure what to expect at Covenant. Thankfully I was pleased and invigorated by the quality of students that came to our lunch presentation. It gives me faith that there are individuals out there that the Lord is calling to serve Him in missions. Some in God’s grace will join us on the border.
The Arch in St. Louis
The Arch in St. Louis

Of the students I met with yesterday about five expressed some level of interest in future internships. There may be some other doors that open as I follow-up with the students. I’ve already begun to talk to the school about a return visit in the fall.
Finding people who God is calling to work with us is sometimes a slow process, but it’s a good one. We have a terrific albeit challenging work, with some outstanding partners. Our story is compelling. I had at least a couple of people tell me that when I showed them the Harbor video that I have on my ministry partners page that it moved them. One said, “it makes me want to go.” That’s what I like to hear.
This journey is a journey of faith. We trust the Lord to raise our funds. We trust him to sell our house. We trust Him for our family. We trust Him to build our team. We trust Him to call people to serve with us that are a good fit.
Continue to join us in prayer for laborers for the San Diego – Tijuana field of harvest.
In His Grip, Dave
P.S. On Friday, April 13th at 4:30 PM (PT) we launch our English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. Please pray for a good group of students, and that God would draw them to Himself.


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