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The Importance of Discovery!

Discovery Center Assessment

The church planting candidates working through an exercise during the Discovery Center
The church planting candidates working through an exercise during the Discovery Center

Eleven candidates experienced two and a half days of adventure, learning and a level of stress. Hopefully, it was worth it. I think it was.
The reason they put themselves through an evaluation process where they are grilled by those of us assessing is because they are interested in planting a church. Even the assessors go through long days during the assessment process.
This evaluation process that we call the Discovery Center isn’t something easy to endure, but it is worth it. The goal is to do the best job we can as an assessment team to determine if the candidates have the skills, knowledge, attitudes and gifts necessary to plant a church. If we do a good job it can save those who don’t have the necessary gifts a lot of heartache, and it can also be a great source of encouragement and confirmation for those that are called to plant a church.
On the last day when we let the candidates know whether they received a green light or not I find it gratifying to see all the smiles. There are some who receive some news they weren’t hoping for, and of course in those cases there is disappointment. In this particular assessment there were a lot of smiles and even some tears of joy!
There is a huge need for new churches to be started. In fact, it’s the best way to reach nonbelievers.
Tim Keller says, “The vigorous, continual planting of new congregations is the single most crucial strategy for 1) the numerical growth of the Body of Christ in any city, and 2) the continual corporate renewal and revival of the existing churches in a city. (“Why Plant Churches” article by Tim Keller, 2002)

Pray for a New Church Planting Project

Obed & Cesiah Lares
Obed & Cesiah Lares

One of the couples that came to the Discover Center Obed and Cesiah Lares are going to plant the next church that we are partnering with Pastor Daniel Nuñez and Ministerios Transformación to plant. What a wonderful opportunity to get to know them, and to see how the Lord is leading and guiding them.
We hope to be able to launch the new church plant with Obed and Cesiah in the next 6 months! Join us in prayer as the Lord brings all the loose ends together.
God is on the move in our midst. I love seeing God working in the hearts of men and women.
In His Grip, Dave


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