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The Gospel is in the House!

God’s Work Through Mario & Silvia

Silvia, Chivis, Mario & little Daniel
Silvia, Chivis, Mario & little Daniel

I had a wonderful time when I was in Mexico City last week. I loved the opportunity to see the city after so many years, and to reconnect with some of my friends.
Dawn and I first met Mario and Silvia Silva 19 years ago. We were attracted to them and they become close friends. They joined us in planting a church in the southern part of Mexico City.
The Lord used that experience to give them the bug for starting new works. Mario likes to blame me for getting them involved in church planting. Mario and Silvia are both very gifted and have a heart for the lost.
One of the things that was so invigorating on this trip was watching Mario and Silvia in action. Mario works for a pharmaceutical company, and he and Silvia are super busy. Living in such a big city adds to the complexity of their lives.
Despite everything else they are doing, they have found time to lead two house churches. Mario and Silvia have church in their home every Sunday with about 30 friends. On Wednesdays after work Mario leads another group.

New Life in Christ for Evelyn & Emily

After a muy sabrosa breakfast with Mario and Silvia and the family Mario felt led to share the gospel with a grandmother and her granddaughter, who were in the park across the street. I mostly just watched and prayed as Mario loved on these people.

Evelyn & Emily with Mario
Evelyn & Emily with Mario

Mario saw Evelyn and her granddaughter (I think her name was Emily) and he felt like the Lord was leading him to share the gospel with them, because he noticed that the Emily was sick. Emily was in a wheelchair, and she lost her hair due to cancer. Cancer also took her leg.
Evelyn and Emily were very friendly, and open to the gospel message. When Mario asked them if he could pray for them, and if they would like to pray to receive the gift of eternal life. They said yes, and Mario led them in prayer.
He asked them if they would like to come to his church, and they said, yes! Now Mario is working on picking them up before church so that they can attend.

Mario & Silvia’s House Church

Mario leading the group that meets in his home
Mario leading the group that meets in his home

Then on the Sunday I was with Mario and Silvia at their house church. It was so encouraging to see Mario leading the group. Silvia and their daughter, Chivis were loving on and ministering to the children.
They had a visitor join them, so after the service Mario had the opportunity to share the gospel with their new friend and she too prayed to receive Christ.
Dawn and I have been praying that Mario and Silvia could join us in the work here on the border, but so far the Lord has closed the doors on that. Yet, it’s so good to see how the Lord is using them where they are at.
We believe in the Lord’s good and perfect timing he will bring us the right people to serve with us. In the meantime we just keep on looking to him and trusting him.
In His Grip, Dave


  • By Equipping The Saints
    Posted May 12, 2014 at 6:16 am

    God bless you. Please keep up the good work of the Gospel. Acts 1:8
    Senior Pastor/Equipping the Saints
    Philip 3:10, “That I May Know Him”

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted May 12, 2014 at 8:17 am

      Thanks – may the Lord bless you as you serve him.

      • By Equipping The Saints
        Posted May 12, 2014 at 8:28 am

        Please keep me aware of your ministry. Blessings,

  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted May 12, 2014 at 11:55 am

    What wonderful news! May God continue to bless both their work and yours.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted May 13, 2014 at 9:35 am

      It was so good to reconnect and see how God is working through my friends in Mexico City.

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