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I Hate Saying Good-bye

The Diaso Family at the border - with the U.S./Mexico border fence in the background
The Diaso Family at the border – with the U.S./Mexico border fence in the background

One of the most difficult things about being a missionary is saying good-bye to family and all the people we love. It’s something that Dawn and I have been doing for more than 25 years, but it never gets easier.
I can remember weeping when I first said good-bye to my grandparents, my parents, my brothers and my friends those many years ago.

Good-bye Jonny Boy

Dave with Jonathan
Dave with Jonathan

Today (Sunday) my second born son, Jonathan got on a plane and flew back to Colorado. I like to call him Jonny Boy.
The Lord gave us a wonderful visit!
I am thankful that we do have such a close and loving family. We aren’t perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but we do love and care for each other.
All three of our children, David Jr., Jonathan and Hannah get along very well. It’s a real gift from the Lord to see them together.
Having some fun!
Having some fun on the border!

Dawn and I give thanks that our kids are as close as they are. Thank you Jesus for each member in our family.
While Jonathan was here we were able to spend a couple of days in Fresno visiting my parents and one of my brother’s and his family. It was a special time as we aren’t all able to get together very frequently.

It Could be Worse!

When I think about the sadness that we experience in saying good-bye to our family, I recognize that some missionaries live much further away from their children and other family members. Many have it much harder than we do, so I must give thanks for that. On the other hand, I’m not sure that takes away from the ache of saying good-bye.
Dawn and I are very proud of all three of our children. We feel that they are true gifts from the Lord, and it’s always special when we can all be together.

Thanks for Joining Us In Prayer

We appreciate your prayers, and your love and encouragement for us as we continue on this journey. God has called us here. He has a purpose in all of this, and he is doing a good work on the border and the Baja. His purpose is for our whole family not just for Dawn and me. We lean on Him and we trust in Him.
We give thanks for the Lord’s good work, and for his call!
In His Grip, Dave


  • By Larry Who
    Posted August 17, 2015 at 7:07 am

    A friend of mine explained something like your pain in a great way. “I know there are believers all over the world who have it much worse than I do,” he said, “but the Lord knows me and how much I can put up with right now. So, that’s the grace He gives me for now.”

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted August 17, 2015 at 7:55 am

      That’s a good reminder for me today – thanks!

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