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The Church is Advancing in Mexicali & Beyond! 2

Pastor Federico & Blanca Muñoz
Dave & Dawn with the Muñoz family – front row: Junior and Paola
Back row: Damaris, Dave, Daniel, Federico, Blanca, David, Dawn

Dawn and I feel like proud parents when we think about all the church planters that we are working with who are ministering in Mexico and on the Big Island. The couples become like family to us, which we enjoy. It’s one of the ways the Lord is bringing redemption and restoration to us, which is something we’ve prayed for especially since Hannah moved to heaven. A number of the church planters refer to us as their mentors and as their father and mother, which is a real privilege for us to have that type of relationship with them.

I’d like to highlight one couple that we are especially proud of, Pastor Federico and Blanca Muñoz, who are planting a church in Mexicali. Federico and Blanca stand out, because of their deep commitment, boldness, and creativity in sharing the gospel. It’s been fun to partner with them, and watch them in action.

Church Planting in the Midst of the COVID Crisis
Pastor Federico sharing the love of Christ in front of his house

They started their church plant in the summer of 2019. They had 6 months to reach out and develop relationships before the pandemic hit. Over the last year, it’s not been easy to make contacts, which is key when your goal is to start a church with people who don’t yet know Jesus. I have sought to encourage Federico and Blanca as they have gone through this most unusual year. I thought that since so many people are fearful because of the Covid crisis, that it was an opportunity for the gospel.

As we prayed, God gave this young couple an idea to try to hold services outside in their carport. Their children are gifted musically and they love to help out and they enjoy leading worship. Their teen children pitched in when they started to make the shift to outdoor services. Surprisingly, their neighbors showed interest and they came out of their homes to listen and participate.

Church in the Park
Pastor Federico & Blanca Ministering with their family in the park

Later, Federico and Blanca ended up needing to move to a different house, so we prayed that the Lord would open up new doors for them and show them how to reach out in this new community. They began to hold Bible studies both outdoor and online. Then in March of this year, when some of the restrictions in Mexicali were lifted, they began to hold services in a nearby park. Through their boldness and creativity, they started meeting more people in the park. They asked the new friends who they were meeting if they could pray for them, and most of them said, “yes”!

I have to admit the restrictions have slowed down our church planting progress, yet I see how the Lord has also opened some doors. It’s forced our church planters to be more creative, and people who would not have had the opportunity to hear the gospel are being reached, because of the change in plans.

God is Building His Church!

I’m often reminded of Joseph’s reply to his brothers in Genesis 50:20, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people” (NLT). The Lord protects us and He goes before us. It’s important to remember as we build the church that it is His church, and as the Lord promises the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church.

God is building HIs church in Mexicali and Beyond
Please Pray & Extend Your Hands to Help

Please join us in prayer for Federico and Blanca Muñoz as they share the love of Christ in Mexicali. Pray that the Lord will lead them to people who are open to the gospel and that the church will grow as they reach out in the community. Dawn and I would appreciate prayers for all of the church planters that we are working with so that we see lives changed and communities transformed by Jesus.

Consider a donation today to help us plant the seed of the gospel on the Border, the Baja and Beyond!

The situation for our familia on the Big Island continues to worsen. The cost of goods are increasing by 400 – 500%. You can read more about the situation on the Big Island here… Your prayers and generosity will aid these families and the gospel in undeniable ways. Make a donation today by clicking on the link below!

Thank you!

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In His Grip, Dave

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