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The Border Dance!

One Border – Two World’s

The border is a unique place. It’s a place where two very different world’s intersect. The fence that draws a line between the two the United States and Mexico is part of the story here.
Families and friends live on both sides. Some people are not able to cross to see their family members, so this creates some hardships.
A friend sent me a video of a creative way some people do to try to interact at the border fence not far from where we live. I thought you would enjoy it, so here it is for your enjoyment.

Video Border Fandango
The Lord calls us to have compassion on the resident alien among other oppressed people.

… do no wrong or violence to the resident alien, the fatherless, and the widow, nor shed innocent blood in this place. (Jeremiah 22:3 ESV)

This is one among many reasons that the border needs the gospel. Jesus gives us hope. He offers an abundant life. O that many would come to know him! Hallelujah!
In His Grip, Dave