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Terrible Transformed To Terrific!

Medical Missions Outreach!

Redeemer San Diego medical missions team
Redeemer San Diego medical missions team

It certainly wasn’t easy to pull it off. I felt like we had to climb a mountain and then walk through a forest to make the medical missions trip happen, but it was well worth it!
God ministered in some amazing ways through the Redeemer San Diego medical team and the team from Nueva Jerusalén in Ensenada. When I think of a word to describe the experience, outstanding comes to mind.

Why Was It Terrifically Outstanding?

Our medical team lovingly treating the patients
Our medical team lovingly treating the patients

Why do I say it was outstanding? First, we had to overcome a number of obstacles. All of our dental instruments had been confiscated by customs on the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Our dentists were able to see 40 patients, because through friends of the medical team we were able to come up with some more medical supplies.
Second, we saw 78 patients which is amazing considering that we were only able to attend see them during a shortened day, because of the drive, set-up and tear-down. Redeemer’s doctors and the two teams are so loving as they treat the patients. The love of Christ shines through brightly in an otherwise dark place!
Hannah with one of the women from the clinic that she led in prayer
Hannah with one of the women from the clinic that she led in prayer

Prayer for Every Patient

Third, we prayed for every patient. I was so excited to have Hannah with me. We had four people sharing the gospel and praying for the patients.
Hannah and I made up one team. We shared the gospel with 9 adults and their children. Of these 9 adults 7 of them prayed to receive Christ and one of them reconfirmed her faith. I was so proud of Hannah as she led 7 of them in prayer to ask for forgiveness and to place their faith in Christ.
New life in Christ! Hallelujah!
Petri and the Ensenada team was able to recruit a team of nurses and health professionals from Ensenada’s public health services to educate the people who came. This is a huge advance for us, because we are concerned about the ongoing health of the people.

Petri in the middle with some of our friends that helped with prayer and setup
Petri in the middle with some of our friends from Nueva Jerusalén that helped with prayer and setup

We are hoping that at our next clinic we will be able to offer optometry and vaccinations. God’s broadening our borders as we learn and move forward in treating needy people and showing them the love of Christ in a real and tangible way.
At the end of the day, we went to the Colegio Grecia the school that Petri and Yudy work at, and all of our translators attend school there. Petri presented them with a certificate of appreciation on our behalf.
All their parents came. It was a simple recognition, but it opens doors for us as we pray for a church plant among professionals that Petri and Yudy are planning on launching this Fall.

Thank You For Standing With Us In Prayer!

IMG_3959Thank you so much for praying. I felt like more than most trips we needed prayer covering, and that we needed to pray against the strategies of the evil one. Prayer is always essential, but if possible it seemed even more important for this trip. I sensed God’s presence among us throughout the day!
Both groups Redeemer and La Nueva Jerusalén had such wonderful attitudes. It’s not easy when you are tired, and for the Americans working in another culture in another language adds even more stress. Yet, the Lord was with us in a Special way! Hallelujah!
In His Grip, Dave


  • By Mary Lichlyter
    Posted March 21, 2016 at 7:48 am

    Woo-hoo! Praise God!

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted March 21, 2016 at 9:46 pm


  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted March 21, 2016 at 10:28 am

    More great news, Dave. God is at work through you and all of these wonderful people. Praying that those who came to faith will grow in that faith and lead others to the Lord.
    Happy Easter to you and your family!

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted March 21, 2016 at 9:44 pm

      The Lord came through in a big way. I’m still flying high from the experience!

  • By Christopher Dainton
    Posted March 21, 2016 at 12:27 pm

    Great post. Our research team ( is looking at medical missions like yours that operate in Latin America. How often do you travel down? We’d also love it if some of your docs participated in our online survey of clinical practice patterns in remote settings.
    Happy Easter!

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted March 21, 2016 at 9:45 pm

      We do a couple medical trips a year

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