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Sowing Seed in Lima, Peru

Alliance for Latina America

The Alliance for Latin America met together in Lima, Peru at the beginning
of July

In my last post, I wrote about how the Lord richly blessed me and opened some amazing doors for ministry while I was in Colombia and Perú. I wasn’t able to write as much about my time in Lima, Peru, so I’d like to that today.
I went to Lima, Peru for an alliance meeting with 23 different organizations who are all interested in coming together to reach Latin America for Christ. I found it encouraging that so many have decided to come together and work for the expansion of the kingdom. I pray for the gospel and Christ’s church to grow like wildfire throughout Latin America.

God Show Up in Different and Unexpected Ways

The center of the city in Lima Peru.

Something that I’ve noticed about life and ministry is often when we go to participate in ministry meetings that the Lord has other significant opportunities that weren’t necessarily planned. Dawn and I often pray that we will be open to the Spirit’s leading so that we take advantage of the ministry that he brings to us.
When Dawn isn’t with me I’m not able to rely on her extroversion to help me meet people and open up conversations. I do enjoy talking to the various taxi drivers, especially when I’m in a new country. It’s something that I do it in Mexico as well.

The Gospel & the Taxi Driver

The National Palace in Lima, Peru

Right away in Lima I had to find a taxi. It took me a while, but I finally figured out how to go about getting a safe taxi from a company that I could trust. The taxi driver that helped me out was about my age and he was very friendly.
We began to talk, and I asked him about his family. He told me he had three children and two of them are 28, and that they are twins. I told him that one of my sons is 28, and as I shared about our family I mentioned how our daughter, Hannah moved to heaven two and a half years ago. I told him that it is very painful, but faith and the hope of heaven sustains us.
He began to open up with me, and he said that one of his sons is doing very well, and he works at the airport. The other son, however, has struggled with drug abuse and addictions and that he is presently in jail. He told both his wife and he had been praying for his son nonstop, but he didn’t believe the Lord was answering his prayers and it seemed like he was giving up.

God’s Redeeming Work

The city of Lima, Peru.

I took the opportunity to share with him about the importance of having a relationship with Christ, and how Good our Father is. He desires to give us good gifts. He is a good and loving Father.
After we talked for a little while he also told me that he had been involved in witchcraft and tarot cards. I asked him if he’d be open to praying with me, and he said he was, so we began to pray. I led him to pray to receive Christ as his savior, to confess his sins, forgive those that have hurt him and to break off his past relationship with witchcraft and evil. It was an hour drive from the airport to my hotel because there was a lot of traffic.
After we prayed, since we had time and I felt like he could use it I asked him if he’d like to pray some more to break off whatever evil he had been tied to and to download God’s goodness and love. He was willing so we continued to pray. After we prayed and I shared with him and encouraged him by the time we got to my hotel his countenance had changed. He looked less heavy. He told me he felt peace. Hallelujah!

Thankful for the Openness in Peru

One of the churches found it Lima. We pray for much more!

I found that the people in Peru were very open and willing to pray with me. I was able to pray and share the gospel with all my taxi drivers and led five others in prayer to confess Christ. A number of my taxi drivers were from Venezuela. More than 10% of Venezuela’s population has left the country, because of all the political unrest there. This I’m sure makes them more open. It’s uncomfortable to have to move so far and leave your home, but the Lord uses these trials of life to open people’s hearts. As Jesus said, “what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?” (Mark 8:36 ESV) Earthly comforts don’t compare to what heaven has to offer.
It’s so good when the Lord opens these doors to people’s hearts, and he lets me be a part of that. This is life-giving for them and for me. When I have these opportunities I’m reminded of the sower and the seed, not all the seed will bear fruit. Yet, if we aren’t sowing, if I’m not sowing there is not an opportunity for the seed to produce fruit. Also, it’s the Spirit’s work to bring growth. We do our part in dependence on our loving Father.
Your prayers make a difference. The Lord hears as we cry out to him and he provides the increase. Thank you, Jesus!
In His Grip, Dave


  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted July 15, 2019 at 6:54 pm

    What wonderful news!! Praying that God’s work continues quickly there.

    • By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
      Posted July 22, 2019 at 7:46 am

      Thank you! I always appreciate your encouraging messages.

      • By sustainabilitea
        Posted July 22, 2019 at 10:16 am

        And I appreciate all your work for the Lord. 🙂

  • By Real Gospel TRUTHS
    Posted July 22, 2019 at 7:26 pm

    I pray that the fire of God would consume all your enemies, and the peace of God guard your hearts and minds. May the love of God enfold you and the wisdom of God be your armor bearer. Blessings to you all in the Name of Jesus.

    • By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
      Posted July 22, 2019 at 8:54 pm

      Thank you! Amen!

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