David Jr., Hannah and Jon, bring us a lot of joy
My heart is heavy as we traverse through this trial. As far as I’m concerned it’s already gone on too long, but my Dad above has a different plan. His timing doesn’t always concur with what I would like.
It’s hard and all kinds of questions come to mind. Most of the questions begin with why? Yet I think there is a sense in which if I focus too much on the circumstances that It’s easy to get down.
The Psalmist’s Heavy Heart
I can identify with the Psalmist when he pens Psalm 42:1-5
“As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God? My tears have been my food day and night, while they say to me all the day long, “Where is your God?” These things I remember, as I pour out my soul: how I would go with the throng and lead them in procession to the house of God with glad shouts and songs of praise, a multitude keeping festival. Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation” ESV
I have to remind myself again and again to hope in God.
Through friends, family and the Word of God I’m reminded to focus on the who. It gives me comfort to know the who that is somehow using even the worst of circumstances in my life. I’m grateful that the who is my ‘abba’ Father, my daddy. He is working to build patience, character and hope in me and my family.
The Value of Suffering – Rejoice
Romans 5:1-5 reminds me of God’s commitment to us.
Billy, Hillary, Hannah & Dawn. We are blessed by good friends who encourage us!
“Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” ESV
Hannah with Daisy
Paul exhorts us to rejoice in our sufferings, which seems absurd at first glance. Yet he isn’t encouraging us to rejoice, because we enjoy suffering, or that we are masochist. It’s what the trials produce in us that Paul wants us to see joy in. Our Lord is very committed to his good work in us. He digs deep, in order to build a strong foundation.
Now that is a reason to rejoice. Lord, keep my eyes on Jesus. Keep me focused on your good work!
In His Grip, Dave DiasoLifeOnTheBorder.org
We are crying out to God with you. I’m recalling Jim Cymbala’s book, Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire and a heading called, “Back from the Abyss” when Pastor Jim’s church, the Brooklyn Tabernacle, entered into deep intercessory prayer for his daughter. I’m asking all of us who read this, for your sake, Diasos, to join together in one accord and plead with the Father for Hannah’s deliverance and healing. In His love, Diane
By grace4them
March 14, 2014 at
12:35 pm
We are crying out to the Lord with you. I am reminded of a book by Jim Cybala, Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire, where he tells the story of his daughter’s deliverance. The heading is, “Back From the Abyss” in chapter 4 where he tells of a woman in his congregation who was impressed and asked for permission to ask the church to intercede on behalf of his daughter. He selflessly had a hard time asking others to pray for his own need while he was trying to minister to others. I’d like to make this request on behalf of Dawn and Dave, although they surely didn’t ask it, but if anyone reading this could please stop and cry out to the Lord and join our voices together in one accord for Hannah’s deliverance and healing I know the Father is listening. Thank you. In His love,
By diasolifeontheborder
March 14, 2014 at
9:50 pm
Thanks we really appreciate bold prayers, really any and all prayer for the Lord’s intervention and healing
By evanlaar1922
March 14, 2014 at
5:33 pm
The Kingdom of God is great news of great hope
By diasolifeontheborder
March 14, 2014 at
9:48 pm
That’s one of my favorite things – the Kingdom of God
By Naphtali
March 15, 2014 at
5:41 pm
Prayers going up for you and your family….
By diasolifeontheborder
March 17, 2014 at
10:12 pm
Thanks so much – We all appreciate it, and we realize that we need it.
By sustainabilitea
March 16, 2014 at
1:43 pm
I’ve evidently missed something over the last days/weeks as I don’t know what’s happening, but I’ll keep you in prayer!
By diasolifeontheborder
March 17, 2014 at
10:11 pm
Thanks so much – well things were going better, but about a week ago things started getting interesting for us again. God is in control, but it’s not always comfortable. We look to him and trust in him.
By grace4them
We are crying out to God with you. I’m recalling Jim Cymbala’s book, Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire and a heading called, “Back from the Abyss” when Pastor Jim’s church, the Brooklyn Tabernacle, entered into deep intercessory prayer for his daughter. I’m asking all of us who read this, for your sake, Diasos, to join together in one accord and plead with the Father for Hannah’s deliverance and healing. In His love, Diane
By grace4them
We are crying out to the Lord with you. I am reminded of a book by Jim Cybala, Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire, where he tells the story of his daughter’s deliverance. The heading is, “Back From the Abyss” in chapter 4 where he tells of a woman in his congregation who was impressed and asked for permission to ask the church to intercede on behalf of his daughter. He selflessly had a hard time asking others to pray for his own need while he was trying to minister to others. I’d like to make this request on behalf of Dawn and Dave, although they surely didn’t ask it, but if anyone reading this could please stop and cry out to the Lord and join our voices together in one accord for Hannah’s deliverance and healing I know the Father is listening. Thank you. In His love,
By diasolifeontheborder
Thanks we really appreciate bold prayers, really any and all prayer for the Lord’s intervention and healing
By evanlaar1922
The Kingdom of God is great news of great hope
By diasolifeontheborder
That’s one of my favorite things – the Kingdom of God
By Naphtali
Prayers going up for you and your family….
By diasolifeontheborder
Thanks so much – We all appreciate it, and we realize that we need it.
By sustainabilitea
I’ve evidently missed something over the last days/weeks as I don’t know what’s happening, but I’ll keep you in prayer!
By diasolifeontheborder
Thanks so much – well things were going better, but about a week ago things started getting interesting for us again. God is in control, but it’s not always comfortable. We look to him and trust in him.
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