God’s Big Surprise!
I remember two years ago when La Nueva Jerusalén church approached me, and asked me if I could find a group in the U.S. to partner with them to run a VBS. At first, I didn’t know what to think, because I didn’t know the people in the church at all.
God surprised us in a big way! We’ve grown to love the people at the church in Ensenada. The ministry outreach has also given us an opportunity to get know our friends from Skyview better as well.
Our Vision & The Value of Short-term Missions
A big part of our vision for the border and the Baja is to see a network of churches started that are used by God to bring about transformation in families, neighborhoods and cities.
We are getting ready to hold our first ever church planters evaluation for the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico in Tijuana this Fall. I’ve asked two of the leaders from La Nueva Jerusalén to participate as church planting candidates.
Lord, Enlarge Our Borders!
There’s so much we are hoping that Christ will do in our midst. It’s thrilling to experience His Spirit at work as he goes before us and opens new doors.
We know that a big part of the reason the Lord is at work here is because of the prayers of so many faithful followers of Christ like you. Thank you for going on this journey with us! We do appreciate the part that you play.
In His Grip, Dave
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