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Shoes & Clothing for the Little Children

The Light of Christ Shines Brightly in the Community of Lomas Altas 2
Esteban and Cinthya Martinez when we were building the church in Rosarito, Mexico

Dawn and I are continually in awe of the commitment and dedication of the pastors we partner with. What a privilege to serve the Lord with such wonderful partners in ministry!

Pastor Esteban Martinez and his wife, Cinthya recently told us about the challenges of being bi-vocational and pastoring two churches. One of the churches that they are leading is the church that we built this summer in memory of my parents. Can you imagine the challenges of working a full time job and leading two churches? It’s not an easy task to pull off.

Some of the children that Pastor Esteban and his wife, Cinthya are reaching out to in the community of Lomas Altas 2

Jesus taught about caring for the poor and needy. He said in Matthew 25:40, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” He was referring to the importance of extending a hand to help the poor. The necessity of providing aid to those in need. When we do so we are also ministering to Christ.

Esteban and Cinthya are seeking to love as Jesus taught us to love as they reach out in the community of Lomas Altas 2, where the church is located in Rosarito, Mexico. On Saturday’s they have activities for the children. As they show the love of Christ to these little ones they have noticed that they come to the events with old tattered shoes. Their shoes were in such bad shape that they have been using wire to hold their shoes together. It’s hard to imagine!

This touched Esteban and Cinthya’s heart, and they felt that they needed to do something about it. They reached out, and asked friends to help provide shoes for these children, and God provided for this need. Praise the Lord!

Cinthya also noticed that many of the families that they were meeting had old worn out clothes. This touched her heart. Cinthya has a small used clothing business. She decided to give some of the clothes to these families. She felt compelled to make a sacrifice so that these families would be clothed!

It’s amazing that the church just held their first worship service on July 18th of this year, and they are already making a difference. It’s so encouraging to see how the Lord is using them to be a light in this community. God is so good!

Pray & Extend Your Hands to Help!
The Gospel is going forth in Rosarito, Mexico

Dawn and I admire Pastor Esteban and Cinthya’s love for the people and strong commitment to serve the Lord. Join us in praying for them as they minister in both of the churches that they are serving in. Pray that the Lord gives them wisdom and favor as they share the love of Christ.

Extend your hands to help those that Esteban and Cinthya are reaching out to who are struggling to clothe themselves.

Our familia on the Big Island

Also pray for and extend your hands to help our familia on the Big Island. They are facing increasing shortages of food and basic needs. Our familia also lacks medicine. They need the Lord’s supernatural protection during these days. We are getting reports of the electricity being turned off for up to 11 hours a day, which makes it hard to prepare the little food that they have. Your gift makes a huge difference in their lives!

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In His Grip, Dave


  • By rulookingforjesus
    Posted October 6, 2021 at 3:02 pm

    Great Post

    • By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
      Posted October 6, 2021 at 3:16 pm

      Thank you!

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