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Rejoice Always as We Look Ahead!

New Year, New Opportunities

2015 - 2016I’m thankful for a new year with all the new opportunities. 2015 was an outstanding year in many ways. That’s not to say that we didn’t experience some difficult days, but the Lord brought us through the darkness. He grew us and matured us. I feel comforted knowing that the Lord has a purpose in every circumstance we encounter.
Despite the trials of 2015 we also saw some of the greatest accomplishments and victories that we’ve seen in all our years of ministry! I highlighted a number of them in my last post.

Praying for an Outstanding 2016

Dave & Dawn
Dave & Dawn

Dawn and my prayer is that 2016 will be an even better year, as the Lord works in and through us!
I have been thinking and working on goals for 2016. Goals like we want to facilitate planting two new churches this year, and to continue multiplying coaches for pastors and leaders.

A Philippians 4 Attitude

Another goal that I’m working on is more of attitudinal goal. I’d like to grow in encouraging others, and to have a more positive outlook.
The Lord has been speaking to me over the last several months about having a Philippians 4 attitude:

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:4, 8‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Paul encourages us to think about good and excellent things. In doing so we become more healthy, and we are more able to encourage others.
I feel like I’m entering the new year with mixed emotions. On the one hand, excited about the new opportunities, but on the other hand struggling to get started. The Lord says we are more than conquerors in Christ, so I have to preach the gospel to myself, and remember the good promises of our loving father.

Choose to be Happy in 2016!

happinessRecently my son, David Jr. introduced me to a study on happiness, presented by Shawn Achor. I was very impressed by the findings in his study. Achor is the CEO of Good Think Inc., a psychologist, and the author of “The Happiness Advantage“. In many ways Mr. Achor’s study supports what the Bible teaches about in regards to benefits of having a positive and encouraging mindset.
Shawn Achor gave a TedTalk titled: The happy secret to better work. It’s a short well done discourse that I think you will enjoy, so I’m including it here. Maybe it will help you to start the new year on a positive note, and to come up with some uplifting goals for 2016.

You can also listen to a recent EntreLeadership podcast interview with Shawn Achor—How Happiness Fuels Your Success here…
Join us in prayer as we continue on this journey of faith in 2016! Dawn and I hope to be an encouragement to you as you are to us. We gives thanks for you!
In His Grip, Dave


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