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Promoting the Great Commission in the West

West Coast Missions Conference

The West Coast Missions Conference
The West Coast Missions Conference

This weekend was a blast! Mission to the World (MTW) held their first ever West Coast Missions Conference at one of our favorite churches, Redeemer San Diego.
Dawn and I enjoyed connecting with all the people and telling them about what God is doing on the border and the Baja. We love to tell the story, It makes it extra special when those listening have an interest in missions.
I find that I get challenged in a good way by the other missionaries and those that speak at these conferences.
We loved having our colleagues from the MTW office out on the West coast as well as fellow missionaries. God has blessed us with some outstanding people who are committed to the great commission. What a huge encouragement to serve along the choice servants the Lord has privileged us to work with.

Thankful for Our Team Members & Partners

Jay Kyle, Jim DeWitt, Dave & Dawn, Alina & Verne Marshall at the West Coast Missions Conference
Jay Kyle, Jim DeWitt, Dave & Dawn, Alina & Verne Marshall at the West Coast Missions Conference

Also, two of our team members came for the conference and they will be staying on this week, so we can get some time to pray and plan together. Jim DeWitt and Peter Boling, who are part of our team are here with us now.
Daniel Nuñez from Lo Mejor del Trigo was also able to accompanying us. We are getting ready to work with Daniel and LMT to start their 24th church. Redeemer in San Diego, who hosted the conference will be involved in the building of the new church which is planned for mid-March. Everyone enjoyed getting to know Daniel, which gives me a lot of joy!

Trials & Prayer

The timing of this conference was both good and difficult. It was good, because we the Lord encouraged us as we interacted with new and old friends. It was difficult, because we are in the middle of a painful trial.
I don’t want to say too much on this forum, but our daughter is going through a rough time. It weighs heavy on our hearts. We appreciate your prayers we definitely need them.
In His Grip, Dave


  • By Larry Camp
    Posted February 2, 2015 at 8:05 pm

    Great work you are doing. Great will be your reward in Heaven! You guys are such a blessing to the world. Just think how those you save will ripple out like a rock thrown in a pond, bringing in more and more into the Kingdom
    Blessings on all of you.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted February 2, 2015 at 9:16 pm

      Thank you for your words of encouragement!

    Posted February 2, 2015 at 8:08 pm

    You guys are doing a wonderful work out there. Just think how those that are being saved will like ripples from a rock thrown into a pond, spread outward and outward, bringing in many lost sheep to the fold. Great will be your rewards in Heaven. You are truly BLESSED!

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted February 2, 2015 at 9:17 pm

      Thanks for your encouragement- we do pray that many will come to know the savior.

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