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Praying for Breakthrough on the Border!

Breakthrough on the Border & the Baja

Celebrating the Lord's Supper at Dios es Amor
Celebrating the Lord’s Supper at Dios es Amor

We are praying for a breakthrough on the border and the Baja. Dawn and I know that for the church to grow, and for God’s kingdom to expand here that his Spirit must work in the heart of men and women. It’s a work that only God can do, but he gives us the privilege to be involved.
It excites us as the Lord opens new doors, and connects us with all the great people who are serving in this part of the world.

Dios es Amor

Today (Sunday) Dawn, David Jr., Hannah and I visited a church called Dios es Amor. It’s a church that’s been around for a while. They have a wonderful facility, but only a remnant remains.

Efrain & Jenny with their two boys
Efrain & Jenny with their two boys

We enjoyed the opportunity to encourage them and be with Pastor Efrain Romero and his wife, Jenny. Efrain and Jenny just started ministering at Dios es Amor. They have a lot of energy and they desire to see the church grow.
Dawn and I have enjoyed getting to know Efrain and Jenny, and we look forward to seeing how God will use them. We look to the Lord for breakthrough and we ask him to awaken this church, and many others. Use our friends, Efrain and Jenny to point many people to the savior.
We realize that there is a need for church renewal and church revitalization as well as church planting.

Hear Our Prayer!

Dave praying during the service for Dios es Amor
Dave praying during the service for Dios es Amor

We already see God doing many encouraging things as he touches lives and brings about transformation. O Lord, that this would be just the beginning of something much greater. Ignite a holy fire in Tijuana, Ensenada, Mexicali, Los Cabos and La Paz (in all of the Baja).
Thank you Lord for hearing our prayer. Continue your holy and amazing work! We know that you will build your church. Continue to open more doors for us, and lead the way!
Thank you Jesus!
In His Grip, Dave