Our Desire to see the Kingdom of God Extended

Dawn and I moved to the San Diego – Tijuana border in 2012. One of our main desires has been to extend the kingdom by planting new churches. God has far exceeded our expectations!
We’ve been involved in various stages of helping plant 117 churches in Mexico. One of the ways that we’ve done that is by raising the funds to build a church. God has provided for us to build eight churches with our partners Ministerios Transformación (Transformation Ministries). We’ve also aided in building and extending the ministry of another 7 churches. It’s fun to build churches because we go from the ground up. These churches start with nothing but the land and end up being the light of Christ that shines brightly in the community.
The Ron & Virginia Diaso Memorial Church
The last church we built was in July of 2021. We built that church in memory of my parents, Ron and Virginia Diaso. In this case, we not only brought the gospel to a new community, but we honored my parents in the process. Both of our boys, David and Jonathan came out to help us build the church. I think David has participated in all of the churches we have built and Jonathan has also been involved in at least 3 of them.
I always enjoy watching the first wall of the church go up. It is an amazing experience! When we start building the foundation has already been laid, and some of the prep work has already been done, so we are able to get the roof up on the first day. When we built the church in memory of my parents we had so many hard-working volunteers pitching in that we not only got the walls and roof up, but we began putting up the drywall as well.
After our two weeks of work, the church was ready! Wow! It’s truly amazing to witness. On Sunday, July 18th we held the inaugural service to launch the church.
As I’ve said before, “it never grows old seeing a new church go up.”
Video: Ron & Virginia Diaso Memorial Church
You can read more about the church we built in memory of my parents by clicking here…
Extend Your Hands to Help
You play an important part in seeing the extension of the kingdom of God in Mexico and on the Big Island! We’d like to ask you to extend your hands to help those in need. Your gift will allow us to accomplish the God-given vision to impact, Tijuana, Mexicali, Ensenada, La Paz, Colima, Oaxaca, and Beyond the borders of Mexico to the Big Island for generations to come.
Our familia on the Big Island is still dealing with staggering needs. Sadly, the crisis is ongoing and it has only gotten worse as time has gone on. We are thankful that we can be an instrument to bless others, and we’d love for you to join us in this effort.