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On Mission in Lancaster, PA

Bill Massy & Dave

On Palm Sunday I had the privilege of being at Harvest Presbyterian Church in Lancaster, PA. Lancaster is mostly known for the Amish and Mennonite communities. I guess most would consider them behind the times, but it’s encouraging to see that the Lord is on the move in Lancaster. Harvest PC is a church plant. It was started by my good friends, Bill and Valerie Massey. Bill and I were roommates in seminary, so we’ve known each other for a long time.
Even though it hasn’t been that long since the  Massey’s started the church they are ready to move into a new church building this summer. I was able to go to the construction site, and see the building – it looks like it will be a beautiful church facility. The church is growing and the people there are friendly and excited to be on mission with God.
The Massey Family in front of the new church building

While I was there I was able to share during the Sunday School hour about our vision for our ministry on the border. It went well, and the Lord was really working. I did challenge the people to consider partnering with us in prayer and financially, so we can get on the field by this summer. After the service one of the members of the church came up to me, and said, “you’ve just found a new prayer partner, and a new giving partner!” She was very excited, and it really encouraged me. I prayed later, “Lord please raise up more people like this woman!” We need 30 more partners like her to reach our goal. God is blessing. God is on the move. Thanks for being on this journey with us.
William (in the middle) performing in play

On a side note. Bill and Valerie are wonderful parents. They have two great kids William, who is about 21 and has Down’s syndrome, and Ruth, who is 18 and getting ready to go off to Covenant College. On Saturday night, William was in a play and I was able to go to it. I really enjoyed seeing him act with other young adults you have Down’s, such a loving group of people. I must say one of the highlights for me when I visit the Massey’s is seeing their kids, and talking to William about all he is up to. Praise the Lord for His work in and through this family!
In His Grip, Dave