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Counting the Blessings of Special Friends!

Pastor Daniel Nuñez and Victor Bravo with Dave
Pastor Daniel Nuñez the leader of Lo Mejor del Trigo and Victor Bravo, one of our newest church planters with Dave

I’m often reminded of the many blessings Dawn and I have in working with the people we minister alongside with on the border and in the Baja. I just love the variety of those we serve with. Their love for Christ and growth in Christ challenges me to grow.
I find that some of the most valuable lessons are learn are from very humble people who love Jesus. They may not have all the training that I have, but they love our Lord and they challenge me to grow in my faith.
One of the dangers of having studied a lot is that it is easy to become like the pharisees and scribes. You might remember that Jesus didn’t speak very highly of them. It is not my goal to be like a hard-hearted, stiff-necked pharisee. By the way, you don’t have to have studied a lot to become like a pharisee. It’s a danger for all of us.

God Uses Our Friends in Our Lives for His Good

Good times with our friends from Ensenada
Our friends from Ensenada from the church La Nueva Jerusalen

The friends that we serve with challenge my faith. They don’t let me rest on my laurels. Some of the pastors that Dawn and I work with have very little training, and yet we learn so much from them. We grow in Christ, because of them.
I’m grateful for the bigness and the grandness of the kingdom. There are no little people in God’s kingdom. Those that are in Christ have significance, because of who we have become in Christ. This is one of the great truths of the Bible.
We are sons and daughters of our Father. We have been adopted into his family. We can call our Father, Abba, Father! He is our daddy!
Paul and Linda Kim with the pastors from Lo Mejor del Trigo
Some of the wonderful pastors from Lo Mejor del Trigo In Tijuana and San Diego that we serve with

One of the reasons my friends who are in ministry challenge me to grow in my faith is that they are different from me. I see them trusting God in incredible ways. Some of them live in very humble surroundings. It’s hard, but they serve joyfully. They have an amazing amount of faith. I praise the Lord for them!
I aspire to be more like my faith filled friends. I’m grateful to call them amigo and to walk this journey of faith with them!
In His Grip, Dave

1 Comment

  • By Larry Who
    Posted December 2, 2014 at 12:31 pm

    We modern Pharisees sometimes change.

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