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Mixups & Celebrations!

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Pastor Daniel Nuñez, Dave & Pastor Ivan Casados

It seems that the last couple of weeks I’ve experienced a few mixups!
The exciting thing is that despite these minor challenges the churches are growing, communities are being changed and there is much to celebrate.
Last week Dawn, Hannah and I went to first year anniversary celebration with Ministerios Transformación in Plan Libertador. Unbeknownst to me the time of the service was changed, so that we arrived four hours early. Yesterday, we went to Ribera de Bosque’s second year anniversary. There were a few more mixups as pastor Ivan Casados and I had some trouble with our internet communication during the week. On a positive note, we did arrive at the service when it started this time.

Much Life & Much to Celebrate!

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Pastor Daniel Nuñez

My family and I love our friends at Ministerios Transformación and it is so good to be able to celebrate their accomplishments!
There’s much life in these churches. Pastor Daniel Nuñez preached a grace filled and wonderfully challenging message. After the service he invited those who wanted prayer to come up to the front. Dawn, Hannah and I were able to join in and pray for some of those that asked for prayer. It’s so fulfilling to be able to minister as a family.
I love seeing the Lord work through Dawn and Hannah!

New Life in Christ

Celebrating finishing the roof on the church
Building the Ministerios Transformación Ribera de Bosque church two years ago

After the service Pastor Ivan asked me if I could share with some of the people that I prayed for. A brother and sister, Jose Luis and Rocio.
A family from the church invited them to come, and Jose Luis and Rocio just started coming to the church in the last few weeks. I asked them if they were to die today if they knew for sure that they would go to heaven? This opened the door to further discussion about how they could be sure.
The wonderful message of the grace and work of Jesus Christ. It’s a life changing message. After explaining the gospel, I asked them if they would like to place their faith in Christ, and they said yes! Alicia their friend who invited them to church came over with us.
Then we led them in prayer to give their lives to Christ.
A wonderful experience!
One of the things I love most about the ministry is leading people to Christ. It’s so exciting to see people’s eyes light up and come to faith. It was extra special that we could do it in their new church. Pastor Ivan and some of the others in the church came over and congratulated them and told them welcome into the family of God.
There is much new life in these churches, and it’s always a privilege for Dawn, Hannah and me when we can participate with them.
Celebrate with us! Pray that the gospel will continue to go forth in a mighty and powerful way in Tijuana, the Baja and Beyond!
In His Grip, Dave


  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted April 18, 2016 at 3:39 pm

    Dave, I always love reading your reports of God working with and through you and others. May He continue to bless and protect you, your family, and the people working with you.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted April 21, 2016 at 9:26 pm

      Thank you – I always love the encouraging words!

  • By Alice
    Posted April 18, 2016 at 5:17 pm

    Praises and worshiping with you dears.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted April 21, 2016 at 9:27 pm

      Thank you & Amen!

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