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More Churches to Plant in 2016!

2016 Here We Go!

JD Pearring in the center on the left side sharing with the LMT leadership
JD Pearring in the center on the left side sharing with the LMT leadership

2016 got off to a great start for us. Dawn, Hannah and I met with pastors and leaders from Lo Mejor del Trigo (LMT). It’s always a highlight for us to connect with these friends.
Another ministry friend of ours, JD Pearring challenged all of us to be faithful to share the good news of Christ. Even pastors need to be reminded to follow Jesus example to be about our Father’s business.
James in Acts 15:9 says, “Therefore my judgment is that we should not trouble those of the Gentiles who turn to God.” James assumes that people who aren’t yet believers are interested in turning to God.
The Spirit is at work all around us, and we need to stay faithful to share this good news.
JD’s words were a healthy and needed exhortation to all of us.

Share the Gospel, Plant Churches

Pastor Daniel Nuñez praying for all the pastors and leaders of LMT
Pastor Daniel Nuñez praying for all the pastors and leaders of LMT

The reason we plant churches is we believe the task it not done. There are people who need to hear the gospel. There are lives that are being transformed by Christ, and that are yet to be transformed. God is on the throne. Hallelujah!
The Lord has blessed LMT with some outstanding leaders who love Jesus. Daniel Nuñez and LMT have a compelling vision to see 50 churches planted. They just planted number 26 in November.
I’m working on raising the funds to help them plant the 27th church this Spring. Pray that the Lord works and makes this happen!
It excites me to be a part of a movement that is growing like this one is. Such good people, but even sharp men and women need support and encouragement.

Gospel Coaching & LMT

Dave sharing a few words about the value of coaching at the LMT meeting
Dave sharing a few words about the value of coaching at the LMT meeting

I’ve been working with LMT on strengthening their coaching. Daniel and I hope to see every pastor with a coach. This will create a stronger movement, and it gives the pastors a place to go during the fight. It’s not easy to lead a church, and it’s next to impossible when you go it alone.
Pastor Daniel asked me to share a few words about coaching during the meeting last week. I enjoyed the opportunity to minister to this wonderful group of servants of the Lord.

Join Us in Prayer

Pray with us as the year gets underway that Lo Mejor del Trigo will continue to grow and be strengthened. Pray that the Lord gives Pastor Daniel Nuñez wisdom as he leads this movement. Pray for a growing group of gospel coaches to come alongside these leaders.
In His Grip, Dave


  • By Pieter Stok
    Posted January 11, 2016 at 11:19 am

    I will continue to pray for this exciting and important ministry.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted January 15, 2016 at 11:47 pm

      Thanks so much for your prayers – I know that the Lord hears the prayers of his people!

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