On Tuesday I was at Covenant Seminary in St. Louis. I presented our work on the border to the students there. In God’s wonderful grace I met some great students! Young people who want to serve the Lord, and who are preparing themselves to be on mission with God.
I remember when I first went to the Covenant last April, I wondered what kind of students I would encounter? I thought, “maybe they are going to give me a lot of push back? Maybe they won’t agree with my philosophy of ministry?” I thought that might be the case in part, because in seminary it is a place where you study and think through how things ought to be.
Seminary is a great place to learn, but sometimes when it is removed from the messiness of life it can become a bit idealistic. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but I wondered how it might influence how they received my presentation of our work on the border. I know about the idealistic tendencies in part, because I can remember going through some of that while I studied in seminary.
Despite all my doubts, I have been very impressed by the quality of students I have met so far at Covenant. The school has a reputation for preaching grace, and the students I’ve met also seek to exhibit grace in their lives.

I’m thankful that the Lord connected me with these students, and I look forward to seeing what he will do. Who will come and join us?
Our need is for those who have a passion for God, his mission and the gospel to serve with us. This also includes those that haven’t been to seminary, but have the gifts and character necessary to minister in a cross-cultural setting.
Dawn and I continue to pray that the Lord will raise up workers to join our team. We look to the Lord to bring us the right people. Those that God is calling to serve with us, who have the necessary gift mix to make an impact on the border. Of course, not everyone will be a good fit, so we are also praying that the Lord will protect us from the wrong people.
Apart from praying we are actively looking for those that the Lord might be calling to the border. “Lord, give us wisdom where to look!”
In His Grip, Dave
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