Faithful Partners in Ministry
In my last post I mentioned that I’m helping my son, David move to Fairfield, CA. While helping David move, we made a stop in Fresno. On Sunday I gave a ministry update at one of our longtime partner churches, Sierra View. It’s fun to see friends and talk to people who are praying for us. They are encouraged by what the Lord is doing on the Border and in the Baja, which lifts us up as well.
Dawn and I realize it’s crucial that we have churches and individuals standing with us in prayer. Friends who are strengthening our hands along the way. It’s hard to believe, but we moved to the Border almost 4 years ago. It’s even harder to believe is that we first moved to Mexico City 25 years ago.
Pray for a Thriving Ministry!
We don’t want to only sustain this ministry, but we want to see it thrive. It’s vital that we have a strong base of partners who are praying for us, encouraging us and supporting us financially. Pray that the Lord opens doors for us and leads us to new people who will join with us and partner with us in this way.
To have a strong and growing ministry it’s essential to have a growing team standing with us. I’m grateful for all our partners! What a gift you are!
Dawn and I need to dedicate some of our time over the next several months to building and strengthening our support team. We thank you for being a part of that team.
Pray with us that it will continue to expand!
Pray With Us
Today I fly back home. I’ve helped David move to Fairfield in Northern California. Mission accomplished! Pray for David as he begins his new job. Pray for our family as we adjust. God is doing a great things and I know he is taking care of our family.
In His Grip, Dave
By Alice
Great letter. We’re praying and thanking the Lord in advance for all He will do, is doing and has done. So happy for Hannah! and David, Jr. and Jon….lots happening in their lives.
By diasolifeontheborder
Thank you – we appreciate all your prayers!
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