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Medical Mission in Ensenada

A Fruitful Day of Ministry

Our fun team from Redeemer San Diego and Ensenada, Mexico

I believe I’ve said this before, but one of my favorite ministries is our medical outreach. This is the third year now that we’ve taken a team down from Redeemer San Diego to minister to the needy in Ensenada. This year we went to Maneadero, which is just South of Ensenada.

The Love of Christ Exhibited

Jennifer Lutes lovingly caring for one of the families that came to the clinic

We had our largest medical team, with 17 people coming from Redeemer and a sister church from Orange County. The medical team is made up of some of the most loving and caring people I know. The love of Christ just shines through them as they treat the patients.
The staff also is a tremendous witness to the translators who come from a middle school in Ensenada, Colegio Grecia. A number of the families involved in the school have an interest in being a part of the new church plant that Petri and Yudy are leading. The new church is called Renuevo.
Our medical team treated 50 patients while we were in Maneadero. We held the medical clinic in a mission church, called Gracia y Paz. This mission is led by Pastor Jose Zunun. Jose is also involved in our incubator church planting training as is Petri.
We are so excited by what the Lord is doing in and around Ensenada!

The Healing Work of the Gospel!

Pastor Jose Zunun sharing the gospel with one of the families that came to the medical clinic

Jose and I prayed for and shared the gospel with every patient that came to the clinic. We let them know that we are not only concerned for their physical health, but also for their spiritual health. The people we cared for come from humble families, very few if any have vehicles, so it’s hard for them to go very far to go to church. That is one of the reasons we try to start a number of churches in a community, so the people can walk to them. One of the ladies that prayed with me to receive Christ, Maria de Jesus, told me she wanted to come to church, but it was too far for her family to walk to.
Pastor Jose doesn’t have a car either, so he’s not able to go pick them up. I pray that Maria can find a way to start coming to church, so that she will grow in her faith with her beautiful family.
The Lord blessed us as we shared the gospel with the people and eight of them prayed to receive Christ. We prayed for their health as well, and they sensed the Lord’s comfort and peace.

Remembering Hannah

Hannah and her beautiful smile with our friends on the medical missions trip last year

The last time we did a medical outreach in Ensenada our daughter, Hannah was with us. I couldn’t help, but think about how she helped me to pray for the people. Last year Hannah led the people in prayer, and she led nine people to faith in Christ. One day those people will see Hannah in heaven, and I’m sure that they will thank her for sharing with them about the greatest news ever given. What a wonderful day that will be!
Our son, David, Jr. just started a memorial fund called: #AHANNAHPERCENT Hannah Diaso Memorial fund. The purpose is to raise money for a new church in Hannah’s memory, and to create a scholarship fund. Here’s the link, and please share it with your friends:

A Life Transforming Experience!

At the end of the day, we went to Colegio Grecia to present the translators with a certificate recognizing the good work they had done. It was gratifying to see the parents broad smiles as they were so proud of their children. The young translators shared how the experienced changed them as they were able to help people less fortunate than themselves. It’s a life transforming experience when these youth, who come from wealthy families interact with the poor. It opens their eyes. I think it opens all of our eyes, and gives us the eyes of Christ. That is our hope and prayer!
In His Grip, Dave

1 Comment

  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted May 24, 2017 at 9:28 am

    This post makes me thankful and so happy! Praise the Lord for the work He’s accomplishing through all of you.

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