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Like Minded Ministers of the Gospel!

The Band of Brothers and Sisters

Pastor David Feiser, Pastor Victor Bravo, Dave & Pastor Daniel Nuñez celebrating the opening of Victor's church in Rosarito last year
Pastor David Feiser, Pastor Victor Bravo, Dave & Pastor Daniel Nuñez celebrating the opening of Victor’s church in Rosarito last year (What a great celebration it was!)

One of the things I love most about serving in ministry is the camaraderie that we share with such outstanding people here on the border. The Lord has gifted us with a wonderful group to work side by side with. What a rich blessing it is for me to serve with other men and women who truly love the Lord. They encourage me and my family in so many ways!
When Dawn and I where getting set up here on the border, God gave me a great mentor and coach in Dick Kaufmann. Dick told me, “when you look for ministry partners make sure that they are like minded.” That was invaluable advice as there are so many potential people that we could look to work with. God answered our prayer, and gave us some like minded people to work with who have become precious friends!

Walking Together on this Journey

All of our friends from Ministerios Transformación
All our friends from Ministerios Transformación

Pastor Daniel Nuñez, and the ministry he leads which just changed it’s name from Lo Mejor del Trigo to Ministerios Transformación have become some of our best ministry partners. Dawn and I truly do love serving alongside them.
I share some of my heaviest burdens with the pastors of Ministerios Transformación, and likewise they share their burdens with me. After all, isn’t than what Paul encourages us to do? “Bear one another’s burdens…” —Galatians 6:2 ESV
If you’ve followed our story at all, then you know that Dawn and I have travailed through some deep valleys. The Lord is bringing us out of the valley, but at times we wondered where and even if it would end.
In those times of darkness it gave us great comfort knowing that Dawn and I could share our hearts with the men and women associated with Ministerios Transformación. Our closest relationships are with the pastors and their wives. They’ve sent us encouraging notes, and they’ve asked their whole congregation to pray for us.
It lifted up our spirits knowing that whole congregations were praying for us. We know that this was going on in churches in the U.S. and some of the National Presbyterian Churches of Mexico in Baja California as well.

Thank you Jesus for These Special Friends

Daniel & Yolanda Nuñez celebrating Daniel's birthday!
Daniel & Yolanda Nuñez celebrating Daniel’s birthday!

“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” —Psalm 133:1 ESV
Today (Sunday) I was able to go to the church in El Niño, Comunidad Cristiana. We celebrated Daniel Nuñez’s birthday. Even though it was a rainy and gloomy day there was much joy, life and light in the church as we celebrated.
I give thanks to the Lord for these special friends. They make my family and me feel very loved and we feel like we are part of them when we are together.
I say thank you Jesus for all of our friends in Mexico! Thank you for Ministerios Transformación! Thank you for pastor Daniel Nuñez and his family and all the pastors and leaders that are part of that ministry!
We give thanks for you, and recognize that it’s all for God’s glory! Praise Him!
In His Grip, Dave