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Light Invading the Darkness!

God is at Work, Hallelujah!

The Sunset at Imperial Beach
The light removes the darkness

I’m amazed by how the gospel advances in spite of the opposition we face. Our family has been going through some major trials, but we see God at work right before our eyes. It lifts us up!
The Lord is doing a mighty work through the churches that we’ve come alongside and helped to start. When Dawn and I meet with the pastors we come away encouraged by their stories of grace. Yet they also tell us of the difficulties they are encountering.
Dave & Dawn with Sol & Victor
Dave & Dawn with Sol & Victor

Someone said that, “dogs don’t bark at parked cars.” In the same way the enemy of our soul doesn’t come after us if we aren’t on the move.
Pastor Victor Bravo and his wife, Sol are leading the church in Rosarito in the community of Plan Libertador. They have a young man who is serving with them, Cristobal, who has a heart for the Lord. Cristobal is going to Bible school preparing for the ministry, but he’s also been supporting the work in Rosarito.

The Church is Advancing

Cristobal sharing from the Word at Lo Mejor del Trigo Plan Libertador in Rosarito
Cristobal sharing from the Word at Lo Mejor del Trigo Plan Libertador in Rosarito

The week before the inaugural service on Palm Sunday, Cristobal was staying at the church to care for it. This was quite a sacrifice as the church has no running water, so he was roughing it. The problem is that often when these new churches are built if no one is there to watch over the property thieves will break in and take advantage of the situation.
While Cristobal was at the church before they held the first service an expensive car drove up to the church. This church is built in a undeveloped community, and the road isn’t paved, so they don’t get many luxurious cars coming through.
The car stopped in front of the church, and a woman dressed very nicely got out. She didn’t look like she belonged.
The woman began to talk to Cristobal about the church, and she told him that she would give him a large sum of money if he would leave the church and go with her. She didn’t want the church to open. Her offer was a deliberate attempt to stop the work of the church.
Cristobal didn’t take her up on her offer. She offered him a substantial amount of money, but he knew where his true treasure lies.
When I heard this story, I thought, wow! The enemy doesn’t like the church invading his territory. The kingdom is advancing, Hallelujah! The light is growing and even a small amount of light drives back the darkness.

Join Us in Prayer

Continue in prayer for pastor Victor and Sol as they lead this new work. Pray for Cristobal as he is just starting up his Bible school semester this week. Praise the Lord with us that the church is growing and that the kingdom is advancing. The gates of hell shall not prevail.
In His Grip, Dave


    Posted May 7, 2015 at 12:01 pm

    Yessir! When ever you are doing the work of the Lord, You will experience the trials and tribulations.
    Press forward my friend; Trials and Tribulations are only a sign that you are advancing the Kingdom!
    Praise The LORD!

  • By Don Grabow
    Posted May 7, 2015 at 12:30 pm

    Awesome, no doubt an evil agent out to stop the gospel, had he gone the church might have be destroyed, but our God is Greater.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted May 8, 2015 at 5:03 pm


    Posted May 7, 2015 at 2:58 pm

    I’ll MEN that!

    Posted May 7, 2015 at 3:00 pm

    Just had the other eye operated on and can’t see the letters. That was supposed to read I’ll AMEN that!

  • By Sammy
    Posted May 7, 2015 at 5:22 pm

    Great testimony and god bless Cristobal. KGFG.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted May 8, 2015 at 5:04 pm


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