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Kicking off 2019!

Ramping up for the New Year

One year anniversary celebration for Hechos 13 church

I don’t know how it is for you, but I often have a hard time getting in gear after the holidays. Part of it is engaging emotionally and even physically. Don’t get me wrong 2018 was an excellent year, but after slowing down and spending some quality time with my family it’s not easy to get psyched up again.
What’s a guy to do!?!
Today I’m headed to Mexico City for a weeklong church planters assessment with people who I love and enjoy ministering with. Then the following week I’m headed to Quito, Ecuador to connect with an amazing ministry, Red de Multiplicación (Multiplication Network).  I will be meeting with their leadership as we desire to partner with them with a goal of seeing more churches started and to create an environment to grow healthier churches. I appreciate your prayers for my time with them.
So you can see that there’s not much time to rest as the year begins with much activity!

Galatians 6 – One of my Favorites

One of the verses that the Lord has used to encourage me over the years as I start off a new year is found in Galatians 6.

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. – Galatians 6:9 ESV

I love Paul’s encouragement to not grow weary. And when I start thinking about the many good things that the Lord lets me be involved in then I start getting excited.

Wonderful Celebration: So Thankful for the Advance!

Pastor Daniel Nuñez leading Hechos 13

Even last night, Sunday night, I participated in the first year anniversary of a new church plant in Tijuana. The church plant is called, Hechos 13 (Acts 13). My good friend and partner in ministry, Pastor Daniel Nuñez is planting this church. Ministerios Transformación the ministry that Pastor Daniel leads has planted almost 40 churches over the last 11 years. We have a wonderful relationship and partnership for the gospel.
A number of other pastors from Ministerios Transformación were at the celebration as well, and it was so good to see them as well as the people from the local congregation. When I see the fruit of our labor then I start feeling excited!
As I drove home last night I began to give thanks for all that the Lord has done so far. Dawn and I also give thanks and we look forward to all that the Lord is going to do this next year. We are super excited about our growing relationship with Red de Multiplicación. This connection is allowing us to expand our reach, which is something that we’ve been praying for!

Join us in Prayer!

Dawn and I walk on this winding road of faith togetherDawn & I appreciate your prayers as we walk on this journey of faith together
So as we kick off the ministry in this new year we ask you to join us in praying for the Lord’s leading and guidance. We truly want to be Spirit-led, and not driven purely by methods and plans. Our desire is that Jesus is in the middle of everything we do, and this his kingdom will expand on earth as it is in heaven. Amen!
We would also appreciate your prayers for Dawn and her mom, Alice. Alice had surgery on her neck in early December right after our son, Jonathan’s wedding. Dawn will be heading out to Pennsylvania to help her mom out while I travel to Mexico City and Quito. We do pray for the Lord’s continued and ongoing healing for Alice! Thank Jesus that he is our healer!
In His Grip, Dave


  • By theshepherdspresence
    Posted January 8, 2019 at 9:00 am

    Does the border conflict in America affect your ministry. That is probably a silly question.

    • By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
      Posted January 14, 2019 at 4:11 pm

      It affects some of those that I work with, and we are looking for ways to connect ministries to the needs. Of course there are a lot of spiritual needs not just physical needs

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