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Ian, Aid & the Gospel in Cuba

Hurricane Ian Caused Major Damage in Cuba
Pastor Jesus and the damage that his house church suffered

Since Hurricane Ian hit western Cuba it’s been difficult to communicate with our familia on the island. Many were without electricity for 2 days or more. The power grid has been an ongoing issue. I spoke with pastor Marco today and he told me that they only have power for four hours, and then it’s turned off for four hours. It’s been like that every day. Other pastors have told me that they’ve gone up to 20 hours without any juice for their electrical needs.

In some areas especially hit hard by the hurricane the people experienced the putrid smell of rotting food, since they didn’t have a way to refrigerate their food. This was happening even before Ian, but the hurricane served to exacerbate the problem.

A woman stands among the rubble of a home in western Cuba
The storm devastated Pinar Del Rio province, home to much of the tobacco used in Cuban cigars. (photo Getty Images)

Last night I spoke with pastor Ernesto and he told me that his house that also serves as the church suffered at least $600 in damages. Another pastor, Jesus that lives in the same city also lost his roof, and it will cost $600 or more to repair his house.

The damage that Hurricane Ian caused to Pastor Ernesto’s home church

It’s been heartbreaking to see the photos and learn of what’s happening. The difference between what Cuba experienced and what our friends in Florida experienced is that the aid is much more difficult to get in Cuba, and it takes a lot longer to receive help. We are doing everything we can to send aid and relief to our familia there.

God is at Work in the Fray
Pastor Ernesto faithful to point people to Jesus and to share the aid that we are sending with families who are in need

Despite all the challenges the pastors I’m in contact with are continuing to faithfully share the love of Christ. One of our churches reported 87 coming to their service and 2 new people coming to Christ. 87 is a larger church on the Island, because the majority of churches meet in the pastor’s home.

Sometimes we wonder when the needs are so great how much the aid that we are sending actually helps. Last night one of our pastors, Ernesto sent me an encouraging note.

Pastor God bless you, I want to take this opportunity to thank you because about 4 days ago I had to buy medicine for my daughter that cost me 75% of my salary that the church pays me. Your help has been a blessing. I wanted to thank you, we value your support and concern for us. My daughter was having an allergic crisis but she is now stable. Thank you man, thank you!

Pastor Ernesto

Can you imagine having to spend 75% of your salary on a medicine for allergies? I’m not sure if he’s referring to asthma or an allergic reaction, but either way it was a serious situation and the cost for the medicine consumed the majority of his salary.

This is just one example of the need, and how we are helping. We would like to help the two pastors, Jesus and Ernesto that I mentioned above who need to replace their roof. The total for the two roofs is $1,200.

Extend your hands to help!
From an article in the BBC, August 17 2022. You can read the article here…

Dawn and I would like to ask you to prayerfully consider making a gift today to help our familia. You can give by clicking on the link below.

Click to Donate…
Video: A Tale of Two Cities
Tale of Two Cities featuring Jessica’s prayer for toothpaste

Thank you for joining us in prayer, and for considering making a gift to help our precious familia.

In His Grip, Dave

P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja and Beyond


  • By theshepherdspresence
    Posted October 16, 2022 at 7:07 pm

    Thank y;ou for this encouraging letter. Trully, “Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

    • By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
      Posted October 17, 2022 at 8:40 pm

      Thank you for your prayers and your encouragement!

  • Trackback: Prayer – Beyond Borders Life

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