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I Left My Heart in Mexico City!

La Capital – Mexico City

The Cathedral on the Zocalo in Mexico City
The Cathedral in the Zocalo in Mexico City

It’s hard to believe that it’s been so long, 12 years since I’ve visited this city, which I once called home. I remember how hard it was to leave. Even all these years later we have some very dear friends here.
God has used this trip to remind me about many of the things that first drew me here. The people, the culture, the food and the physical and spiritual need. I still love those things about Mexico.
This city can be intimidating. It’s one of the largest in the world with 25 million plus. I was a little nervous about returning. You might remember that with all the good experiences I also passed through some difficult events.
Once I got here and I was able to re-familiarize myself with the city, then I started feeling more comfortable. All the good memories began to come back.
I realize now that I left my heart in this city. I invested almost a decade of my life to it and it’s people. Two of my children were born in La Capital.
I didn’t have all the success here that I would have liked, but God taught me many things, and I was able to make in a difference in some people’s lives. Thank you Lord for that gift!

Reconnecting with Friends

Silvia, Mario, Chivis and Daniel Silva
Silvia, Mario, Chivis and Daniel Silva

While here I’ve stayed with our good friends, Mario and Silvia Silva. It’s been so good to be with them. They are some of our dearest friends. I still wish there was a way for us to live closer and to minister together.
I’ve enjoyed rediscovering some of the city with them, and reconnecting. They’ve started a house church, and it’s encouraging to see how the Lord is using them here. I pray that their ministry will grow. I still pray that God will show a way that we can minister together.
In my next post I will write about how I see God moving in Mexico City, and especially through my fiends, the Silva’s.
In His Grip, Dave


  • By granonine
    Posted May 7, 2014 at 7:57 am

    Somehow or other I lost track of you for a while there. Glad to find you again! I don’t think it was anything you were doing. I’ve just made some changes online that goofed up some contacts that took me a while to relocate 🙂 I love your heart for Mexico City. I’m with those who are intimidated by its size.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted May 9, 2014 at 6:22 pm

      Thanks for your note of encouragement. Mexico City can be an intimidating place, but as you get to know the city I think it becomes more friendly and more enjoyable.

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