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Pastor Leo Nevarez and his wife, Gloria
Pastor Leo Nevarez and his wife, Gloria

Apart from the hour and a half wait in line to cross back into the US we had a great time in Rosarito and Tijuana on Friday!
While there we met Leo Nevarez, pastor of Lo Mejor del Trigo in Rosarito, and his wife, Gloria. It’s so encouraging to be with them and learn about what the Lord is doing as He touches lives in their church.
We were able to introduce them to the ministry of “Juventud Con Una Mision,” YWAM. They have a base about three miles from the church. Juventud Con Una Mision brings churches in and they build homes for families that are living in card board boxes, or in homes with dirt floors. It’s an important ministry since there is so much poverty in Tijuana.
Leo & Gloria meeting with Janet Lambert
Leo & Gloria meeting with Janet Lambert at the YWAM center

This ministry of YWAM is called, Houses of Hope or Casas de Esperanza. While we were at the YWAM base we met with Janet Lambert, who is one of the key leaders. Janet and her husband started Casas de Esperanza over twenty years ago. The Lord has blessed them with a beautiful facility to house the church groups that come to build homes.
I got connected with Janet through a friend in Phoenix at one of our supporting churches. The church regularly sends groups down to Tijuana to build homes. A friend, Eric Tooker, saw in my newsletter that we were involved in starting a new work in Rosarito, so he sent me a note and encouraged me to contact Janet.
I’m excited to see what God will do through this ministry connection! It’s encouraging for me to see how God brings all the moving parts together. He is the Lord of the Kingdom!
Dawn and our intern Lindsay Anne waiting in line to cross back into the US
Dawn and our intern Lindsay Anne waiting in line to cross back into the US

If you have a helpful ministry connection for us, please send it my way. There’s no telling how the Lord might use it for His glory!
What made it wonderful to connect pastor Leo and Gloria to Juventud Con Una Mision is that there are many impoverished people living in the community where the Rosarito, Lo Mejor del Trigo church ministers. This could open up some new doors for both ministries to reach out with the love of Christ to hurting people.
Wow, thank you Jesus! We look forward to watching what God will do!
In His Grip, Dave


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