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Home is Where it All Begins!

A Full House

Jon, Kiara, Chivis, Hannah & David
Jon, Kiara, Chivis, Hannah & David

This summer has been one filled with nonstop visitors, which we love. It is one of the ways we minister to others.
Last week we had a young friend, Chivis from Mexico City staying with us, and another young friend, Kiara from Oklahoma. Today Chivis’ whole family will join us.

Dr. William Iverson’s Influence

Dr. Bill Iverson & Dave
Dr. Bill Iverson & Dave

When I was in seminary the professor that had the biggest impact on my life was Dr. William Iverson. He’s been one of the most important men that God has used in my life. Bill taught me by example the importance of ministering out of the home.
Dr. Iverson wrote a book titled: Jesus and the Ways of Socrates. It’s a wonderful book that I highly recommend. In the book he discusses how Jesus interacted with people and created curiosity. Bill believes that study centers in a hospitable setting is one of the best ways to create a good learning environment. Dr. Bill and his wife traveled through Europe exploring some of the various ministries like L’Abri.
Bill has done a wonderful job of promoting and replicating these learning environments in the places where he has lived.

Ministry Through Our Home

While our home isn’t quite a study center. We do pray that it will be a place where people can come for healing. Dawn and I feel like God is equipping us to be able to minister to people in this way.
Our desire is to minister and bring healing to the pastors and leaders we work with as well as those that come into our home.
One of the biggest keys to doing this successfully is having a wife that is equally committed to ministering to people out of the home. Dawn loves to entertain. She is the one that works the hardest to prepare for our guests. Without her hard work we wouldn’t be able to love on people the way we do.
This may be somewhat of a side ministry for us, but I think it’s an important and valuable one. As I wrote in my last post and other writings one of our hopes is to be able to develop a strong internship program and to really build into the lives of young people that the Lord brings our way.
O Lord, we do pray that you will continue to increase our borders as we serve you here on the border.
In His Grip, Dave


  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted July 1, 2014 at 11:27 am

    May it be so. Many blessings to you both.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted July 1, 2014 at 6:11 pm

      Amen and Amen!

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